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ASTR 101 Astronomy (5) NSc, RSN
Introduction to the universe, with emphasis on conceptual, as contrasted with mathematical, comprehension. Modern theories, observations; ideas concerning nature, evolution of galaxies; quasars, stars, black holes, planets, solar system. Not intended for upper-division students majoring in physical sciences or engineering. Cannot be taken for credit if credit has already been earned for ASTR 201. Course overlaps with: ASTR 102. Offered: AWSpS.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 101

ASTR 102 Introduction to Astronomy (5) NSc, RSN
Emphasis on mathematical and physical comprehension of nature, the sun, stars, galaxies, and cosmology. Designed for students who have had algebra and trigonometry and high school or introductory-level college physics. Cannot be taken for credit if credit has already been earned for ASTR 201. Course equivalent to: T PHYS 111. Course overlaps with: ASTR 101 and ASTR 301. Offered: A.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 102

ASTR 105 Exploring the Moon (5) NSc
Examines the questions why did we go to the moon, what did we learn, and why do we want to go back. Offered: W.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 105

ASTR 109 Measuring the Universe (3) SSc/NSc
How did we measure the distance to the Sun, the mass of the Earth, the age of the Universe? How do we know that everyday matter is composed of atoms? Provides a mostly descriptive, historical introduction to the methods different societies have devised to solve such quandaries, in the process constraining nature's laws and shaping the physical sciences into their modern form.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 109

ASTR 150 The Planets (5) NSc, RSN
For liberal arts and beginning science students. Survey of the planets of the solar system, with emphases on recent space exploration of the planets and on the comparative evolution of the Earth and the other planets. Offered: AWSpS.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 150

ASTR 160 Introduction to Exoplanets (3/5) NSc
Introduction to exoplanets. Explores how studies of extrasolar planets have changed our views of how planets and planetary systems form and evolve. Examines the science behind the search for Earth-like planets and life beyond our Solar System. Course overlaps with: ASTR 419.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 160

ASTR 190 Modern Topics in Astronomy for Non-Science Majors (3/5, max. 10) NSc
Topics of current interest, such as origin of chemical elements, novae and supernovae, white dwarfs, neutron stars, black holes, active galaxies, quasars, or interstellar medium and astrochemistry. Choice of topics depends on instructor and class interest. Prerequisite: either one 100- or one 200-level ASTR course.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 190

ASTR 192 Pre-Major in Astronomy Research Seminar (3-5) NSc
Introduction to astronomical computing and research methods for students interested in astronomy and in the premajor-in-astronomy program. Co-requisite: ASTR 102. Offered: A.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 192

ASTR 201 The Universe and the Origin of Life (5) NSc, RSN
Sequel to 101 or 102, emphasizing modern views of the atomic and molecular evolution of the universe from the initial "big bang" through the formation of the solar system and the emergence of biological forms on the earth. The latter part of the course considers questions about the existence of, and communication with, extraterrestrial intelligent life, and finally the ultimate fate of the cosmos.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 201

ASTR 210 Distance and Time: Size and Age in the Universe (5) NSc, RSN
Space and time as basic concepts in physical science. How we define and measure them, how the concepts have developed over the centuries, and how modern measurements allow us to determine the size and age of the universe.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 210

ASTR 211 The Universe and Change (5) NSc, RSN
Gravity as central to the form and evolution of the universe. Conceptual formulation of gravity from the Renaissance to Einstein. Its consequences from the falling of an apple to the slowing of the expansion of the universe. Offered: W.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 211

ASTR 216 The Impact Threat to Earth (3) NSc
Earth has been hit by large rocks in the past, and will be hit by such rocks in the future. Explores the history and future of impacts on Earth. Investigates why and how often we are hit, how big is the material that hits us. What can we do about it? Recommended: ASTR 101 or ASTR 150. Offered: Sp.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 216

ASTR 270 Public Outreach in Astronomy (3) A&H/NSc
Emphasis on giving effective scientific presentations, developing and giving educational programs to school-age groups, and communicating knowledge of astronomy to others. Give talks at the Jacobsen Observatory on campus and presentations in the Astronomy Department's planetarium. Learn to operate a telescope and the planetarium equipment. Prerequisite: one astronomy course at either the 100-, 200-, or 300-level. Offered: Sp.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 270

ASTR 300 Introduction to Programming for Astronomical Applications (3) RSN
Introduction to programming needed for astronomical applications: Linux operating systems, PERL, IDL. Recommended for astronomy majors planning to take 400-level astronomy courses, to pursue individual research projects, or to apply for research experience for undergraduate appointments. Prerequisite: either ASTR 321, ASTR 322, or ASTR 323, any of which may be taken concurrently. Offered: AW.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 300

ASTR 301 Astronomy for Scientists and Engineers (3) NSc
Introduction to astronomy for students in the physical sciences or engineering. Topics similar to ASTR 101, but the approach uses more mathematics and physics. Course overlaps with: ASTR 102. Prerequisite: PHYS 123.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 301

ASTR 302 Python for Astronomy (3) NSc, RSN
Teaches how to effectively use Python for research and astronomical data analysis. Introduction to key tools and libraries used in astronomy and how to use these to analyze data , visualize datasets, automate analyses, and apply this knowledge to reproducing results of some key astronomy papers. Prerequisite: ASTR 300; recommended: knowledge of Python and related astronomy libraries at the ASTR 300 level highly recommended.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 302

ASTR 313 Science in Civilization: Physics and Astrophysics Since 1850 (5) SSc/NSc
Organization and pursuit of the physical and astrophysical sciences, focusing on the major unifying principles of physics and astronomy and the social and cultural settings in which they were created. Offered: jointly with HSTCMP 313.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 313

ASTR 321 The Solar System (3) NSc
Solar system; planetary atmospheres, surfaces and interiors, the moon, comets. The solar wind and interplanetary medium. Formation of the solar system. Prerequisite: PHYS 224 which may be taken concurrently. Offered: Sp.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 321

ASTR 322 The Contents of Our Galaxy (3) NSc
Introduction to astronomy. Basic properties of stars, stellar systems, interstellar dust and gas, and the structure of our galaxy. Prerequisite: PHYS 224 which may be taken concurrently. Offered: A.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 322

ASTR 323 Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology (3) NSc
Galaxies, optical and radio morphology and properties. Clusters of galaxies, radio sources, and quasars. Observational cosmology. Prerequisite: ASTR 322 which may be taken concurrently. Offered: W.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 323

ASTR 324 Introduction to Astrostatistics and Machine Learning in Astronomy (3) RSN
Introduces students to data science tools and techniques commonly used in data driven astronomy and astrophysics. Combines introductory theoretical background with hands-on work on examples of data analysis with modern astronomical datasets. Prerequisite: MATH 124 or MATH 134; MATH 125 or MATH 135; MATH 126; and ASTR 300 or ASTR 302; recommended: basic understanding of scientific measurement and statistics at the level of a first-year undergraduate lab. Offered: Sp.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 324

ASTR 400 Undergraduate Research Seminar (1) NSc
Introduces research topics conducted by astronomy faculty. Each week a faculty member describes her/his current research and the opportunities available for interested majors to participate in the research. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: A.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 400

ASTR 419 Exoplanets (3) NSc
Exoplanet properties, discovery, and habitability. Examines the science involved in the search for Earth-like planets and life beyond our Solar System. Topics include: exoplanet environments, modelling exoplanet planetary systems, planetary habitability, detection, and properties of exoplanets. Course overlaps with: ASTR 160. Prerequisite: ASTR 321.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 419

ASTR 421 Stellar Observations and Theory (3) NSc
Observations and theory of the atmospheres, chemical composition, internal structure, energy sources, and evolutionary history of stars. Prerequisite: ASTR 322. Offered: W.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 421

ASTR 423 High-Energy Astrophysics (3) NSc
High-energy phenomena in the universe. Includes supernova, pulsars, neutron stars, x-ray and gamma-ray sources, black holes, cosmic rays, quasi stellar objects, active galactic nuclei, diffuse background radiations. Radiative emission, absorption processes, and models derived from observational data. Prerequisite: PHYS 224; PHYS 225.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 423

ASTR 425 Cosmology (3) RSN
Studies the universe as a whole. Overview of fundamental observations of cosmology and an introduction to general relativity. Examines theories of the past and future history of the universe, the nature of dark matter and dark energy, and the origin of ordinary matter on the large-scale structure. Prerequisite: PHYS 224; PHYS 225.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 425

ASTR 427 Methods of Computational Astrophysics (3) NSc
Provides hands-on experiences in writing computer programs to solve astrophysics problems. Topics include: interpolation and extrapolation, integration, ordinary, differential equations, root finding, optimization, linear algebra, Monte-Carlo partial differential equations, and parallel techniques.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 427

ASTR 480 Introduction to Astronomical Data Analysis (5) NSc
Hands-on experience with electronic imaging devices (CCDs) and software for image reduction and analysis. Introduction to operating systems, reduction software, and statistical analysis with applications to CCD photometry. Prerequisite: ASTR 300; ASTR 323, which may be taken concurrently. Offered: Sp.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 480

ASTR 481 Introduction to Astronomical Observation (3/5) NSc
Theory and practice of obtaining optical data at a telescope. Topics include observing preparation and execution, and the subsequent data analysis required for completion of a research project. 3-credit option available for students unable to join overnight trips to the telescope. Prerequisite: ASTR 480. Offered: S.
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ASTR 482 Writing Scientific Papers (2)
Principles of organizing, developing, and writing resumes, scientific research papers for journals, and astronomy articles for general public interest. Prerequisite: ASTR 481, ASTR 499, PHYS 494, PHYS 495, or PHYS 496, any of which may be taken concurrently. Offered: A.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 482

ASTR 497 Topics in Current Astronomy (1-3, max. 9) NSc
Recent developments in one field of astronomy or astrophysics.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 497

ASTR 498 Independent Study (1-3, max. 15) NSc
Astronomy-related projects supervised by a faculty member. Projects may be hardware, software, or library work in preparation for conducting astronomical research. Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 498

ASTR 499 Undergraduate Research (*, max. 15)
Special astronomical problems and observational projects, by arrangement with instructor.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 499

ASTR 500 Practical Methods for Teaching Astronomy (3)
Seminar in the preparation of lecture and workshop materials with emphasis on demonstration, visual aids, and the evaluation of students' progress.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 500

ASTR 507 Physical Foundations of Astrophysics I (3)
Thermodynamics from an astronomer's point of view: black body radiation, basic radiative transfer, equation of state, degenerate gases, crystallization at high density.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 507

ASTR 508 Physical Foundations of Astrophysics II (3)
Introduction to astronomical hydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics, basic theorems and application to stellar and interstellar magnetic fields. Introduction to plasma physics and waves in a plasma.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 508

ASTR 509 Physical Foundations of Astrophysics III (3)
Potential theory as applied to astrophysical systems. Orbits. Integrals of motion. Equilibrium and stability of stellar systems. Encounters of stellar systems. Kinetic theory of collisional systems. Applications of stellar dynamics to star clusters, galaxies, and large-scale structure.
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ASTR 510 Nuclear Astrophysics (3)
Big bang nucleosynthesis; nuclear reactions in stars; solar neutrinos and neutrino oscillations; core-collapse supernovae; nucleosynthesis in stars, novae, and supernovae; neutron starts; composition and sources of cosmic rays; gamma ray bursts; atmospheric neutrinos. Offered: jointly with PHYS 554; A.
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ASTR 511 Galactic Structure (3)
Kinematics, dynamics, and contents of the galaxy. Spiral structure. Structure and evolution of galaxies.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 511

ASTR 512 Extragalactic Astronomy (3)
Types of galaxies. Integrated properties, content, and dynamics. Extragalactic distance scale, groups and clusters. Radio sources. Observational cosmology.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 512

ASTR 513 Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics (3)
Big bang cosmology; relativistic world models and classical tests; background radiation; cosmological implications of nucleosynthesis; baryogenesis; inflation; galaxy and large-scale structure formation; quasars; intergalactic medium; dark matter.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 513

ASTR 519 Radiative Processes in Astrophysics (3)
Theory and applications of astrophysical radiation processes: transfer theory; thermal radiation; theory of radiation fields and radiation from moving charges; bremsstrahlung; synchrotron; Compton scattering; plasma effects.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 519

ASTR 521 Stellar Atmospheres (3)
Theory of continuous radiation and spectral line formation. Applications to the sun and stars. Prerequisite: PHYS 421 or equivalent.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 521

ASTR 531 Stellar Interiors (4)
Physical laws governing the temperature, pressure, and mass distribution in stars. Equation of state, opacity, nuclear energy generation, computational methods. Models of main sequence stars and star formation. Prerequisite: PHYS 421 or equivalent.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 531

ASTR 532 Stellar Evolution (3)
Theoretical and observational approaches to stellar evolution. Structure of red giants, supernovae, and white dwarfs. Observations of star clusters and the chemical composition of stars as they relate to the theory of stellar structure. Prerequisite: ASTR 531.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 532

ASTR 541 Interstellar Matter (3)
Physical conditions and motions of neutral and ionized gas in interstellar space. Interstellar dust, magnetic fields, formation of grains, clouds, and stars. Prerequisite: modern physics or permission of instructor.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 541

ASTR 555 Planetary Atmospheres (3)
Problems of origin, evolution, and structure of planetary atmospheres, emphasizing elements common to all; roles of radiation, chemistry, and dynamical processes; new results on the atmospheres of Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and other solar system objects in the context of comparative planetology. Offered: jointly with ATM S 555/ESS 581.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 555

ASTR 557 Origin of the Solar System (3)
Nebular and nonnebular theories of the solar system origin; collapse from the interstellar medium, grain growth in the solar nebula, formation of planetesimals and planets, early evolution of the planets and other possible planetary systems; physical and chemical evidence upon which the ideas concerning the origin of the solar system are based. Offered: jointly with ESS 583.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 557

ASTR 558 Exoplanets (3)
Modern theory and observations of extrasolar planets, including detection and characterization techniques, orbital dynamics, atmospheric structure and dynamics, and planet formation. Prerequisite: either ASTR 507, ASTR 508, ASTR 519, or permission of instructor. Offered: W.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 558

ASTR 561 High Energy Astrophysics (3)
Observed properties of supernovae, x-ray stars, radio sources, quasars. Theories explaining such objects. Origin of cosmic rays.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 561

ASTR 575 Seminar in Astronomy (1-2, max. 20)
Discussion of recent research in astronomy and astrophysics. Prerequisite: permission of department. Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 575

ASTR 576 Astronomy Colloquium (1, max. 20)
Current research topics in astronomy and astrophysics. Prerequisite: permission of department. Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 576

ASTR 581 Techniques in Optical Astronomy (5)
Theory and practice of obtaining optical data. Astronomical photoelectric photometers, spectrographs, interferometers, CCDs, and infrared equipment. Data-reduction techniques with emphasis on statistical analysis using digital computers. Observations with MRO thirty-inch telescope.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 581

ASTR 597 Topics in Observational Astrophysics (1-5, max. 20)
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 597

ASTR 598 Topics in Theoretical Astrophysics (1-5, max. 20)
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 598

ASTR 599 Advanced Astronomy Seminar (1-3, max. 6)
Practical exercises in astrophysics. Emphasis on methods and techniques of simulation, acquisition, evaluation, and analysis of observational data and its interpretation using models of astrophysical systems. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 599

ASTR 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 600

ASTR 700 Master's Thesis (*-)
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 700

ASTR 800 Doctoral Dissertation (*-)
View course details in MyPlan: ASTR 800