Tag Archives: Advances

December 20, 2023 SAGE Suite Release Notes


Features and Fixes

SAGE Awards

New Data in the Award Request List

The following data has been added to the Award Requests List, for quick, at-a-glance context around each request:

  • Short title (added for Modifications; already exists for Awards)
  • eGC1 (added for Modifications; already exists for Awards)
  • Cost Center ID (added for Award Setup Requests; may not appear for Modifications)
  • Principal Investigator
  • Workday Award ID
  • Sponsor Name
  • Prime/Originating Sponsor Name

Filter Enhancements in the Award Requests List

The following enhancements for filtering the Award Requests List improve performance and provide more filter-by options:

  1. Award Filter Buttons
    • To improve performance when selecting award filters, users now need to select the new “Apply Filters” button at the top of the Filter Requests sidebar in order for the filtered results to display. Users can also remove all filters by selecting the new “Clear Filters” button
    • awards filter apply and clear buttons
  2. Filter by Award ID
    • Users can now filter the Award Requests List by Workday Award ID to see all Award Setup, Modification, or Advance Requests (ASRs, MODs, and ADVs) for a given award. This is helpful in confirming if a request has already been started, or to quickly monitor outstanding items for a particular award. (Note that ADVs only display on the Award Requests List in SAGE Central).
    • Note: When filtering by Award ID, users will only see items that they have permissions to view per the “Access and Roles” section. When searching for a given award, users will see all results, though they will only be able to view items they have access to.
    • Note: There is a known bug where recently processed ASRs may not display the Workday Award ID in the Award Requests List.
  3. Filter by Principal Investigator (PI)
    • Users can now filter the Award Requests List by PI. This allows users to view all requests (ASRs, MODs, and ADVs) for the selected PI.

filter by award id or principal investigator

Workday Awards Now Sync to SAGE

Workday awards are immediately available in SAGE for users to create subaward and MOD requests once the new ASR or ADV is processed in SAGE. The data sync also backfills data from converted awards and awards processed prior to this release.

SAGE Advances

Update: Status Filter for Processed Advances is Reactivated

The “Processed” status filter found on the Advance Tasklist is now reactivated for users. To protect system stability, the filter had been temporarily deactivated while performance improvements were pending.

SAGE Budget

Budget Export Fields Added

Cost Center, Security Grant Hierarchy, and worksheet-level Principal Investigators have been added to SAGE Budget exports. When budget exports are attached to MODs, these details will help GCA with the required setup in Workday.

November 30, 2023 SAGE Suite Release Notes


Features and Fixes

SAGE Awards

Search Award Request List by eGC1 or Request ID

Users are now able to search for Award Setup, Modification, and Advance Requests from within the Awards section by either the Request ID (ASRxxxx, MODxxxx, ADVxxxx) or the Application (eGC1) ID (Axxxx) associated with the request. This is an exact-match search, so the full ID is required.

award request tasklist search results

Note: For modifications, searching by Request ID is more accurate, since the eGC1 associated with the request may not always be populated.

SAGE Advances

Fix: Advance Extension Requests Budget Selection

Advance Extension requests no longer require selection of a budget number or sub budget, and can proceed with submission to GCA.

SAGE Budget

Fix: SAGE Budget Contacts and Access Caching Issue

An issue has been resolved where SAGE Budget contacts and access were not refreshing properly when navigating between budgets. The system now refreshes as expected, and users no longer have to do a manual refresh to see the accurate list of individuals.

Infrastructure and Performance Improvements

Improved Load Balancing Across Production Servers

In order to better handle the volume of users in SAGE and improve system stabilization, a change was made on 11/20/2023 to modify the approach used to balance users and system calls across the multiple production servers that support SAGE. ORIS and UW-IT have collaborated on the solution and are jointly monitoring its success and stability.

Optimized SQL Server Settings for Improved Stability and Performance

In order to improve performance of the SAGE Suite applications, a review of the SQL Server has been performed, and settings have been modified per best practices. Indexes have also been added to support improved performance.

Improved Error Handling for Award Request Workflow Status Delays

When the event handling service does not return the new status for a request that is returned, denied, or approved within a reasonable timeframe, the system will only retry a specified number of times before the user will get a message to try refreshing later. This will prevent possible system issues if retries continue indefinitely.

Note: This update will go out independently of the other updates, shortly following the release.

Refactored Approach to Search and Future Filters

The technical approach to award search and filtering was refactored to address past performance issues. This refactoring supports the search feature and will yield significant improvements for users with the additional filtering coming in the December release.