This tool allows a SERA administrator to adjust the Group to Organization Code associations. When OSP sends items to GCA, this association determines the initial assignment.

The Add New Group To Org Code Association, on the upper half of the page, allows you to pick an unassigned organization code and select the corresponding group.
The Delete Group To Org Code Association, on the lower half of the page, allows you to remove the group assigned to an organization code.
This tool allows an Administrator to add a new user, or to update the information for an existing user, as shown in the following image.

To add a user, select them from the “Sage User” drop-down menu. The names on this menu are in order alphabetically by last name. There are a lot of blank rows at the top of the table, so you’ll need to scroll down a few times to see the names. If you don’t find the user on the list, ask them to sign into SAGE ( once. This adds them to the database of Sage Users and then you can select them.
Select an appropriate role for the person. Choices are:
- GCA Manager
- GCA Research Accountant
- GCA Cash
- GCA Front Desk
- GCA System Support
For each of the fields, select or enter a value.
Field |
Description |
Group Label |
Enter a team name |
Group Description |
Enter an appropriate description for the team |
Manager |
Use the drop-down menu to select the manager |
Use the drop-down menu to select the BFAL for this group |
Default Location |
Pick the appropriate Desk from the drop-down menu |
Group Email |
Enter the desired email address for this team |
Group Phone |
Enter the desired phone number for this team |
Click Update to save your changes, or Cancel to return to the list without making any changes.
Use the Delete link to mark a group as inactive.
To return to the Manage GCA Groups, Users, Locations and Organization Mappings page, select Back to Choices at the bottom of the page.
This tool allows an Administrator to change the detail of GCA Groups.
To edit a group, click on the Edit link to the left of the group’s row. The page will re-display and the row’s information will become editable. On the left, to new links will appear so that you can Update or Cancel the change.

For each of the fields, select or enter a value.
Field |
Description |
Group Label |
Enter a team name |
Group Description |
Enter an appropriate description for the team |
Manager |
Use the drop-down menu to select the manager |
Use the drop-down menu to select the BFAL for this group |
Default Location |
Pick the appropriate Desk from the drop-down menu |
Group Email |
Enter the desired email address for this team |
Group Phone |
Enter the desired phone number for this team |
Click Update to save your changes, or Cancel to return to the list without making any changes.
Use the Delete link to mark a group as inactive.
To return to the Manage GCA Groups, Users, Locations and Organization Mappings page, click Back to Choices.
You can use this administration tool to change the status of an item from Processed to In GCA.
From the SERA Administration page, click on the Change Status of an Item from Processed to In GCA link.

Item Type: use the drop-down menu to select the appropriate item type of Advance, Funding Action or Post-Award Change.
Item Number: enter the item number without the prefix
Comments: add an optional explanation for the status change
Click anywhere on the page to display basic information about the item selected. The PI Name, Short Title, and Location will display.
Click Update to complete the process or Back to Previous Page to cancel out of the process.
After changing the status, the page will refresh and display the text “You have successfully changed the status of this item.” above the Item Type field.
In the History for the item, you will see an entry for the status change.
Note that when you re-process an older item, validation messages will display for any required data fields added since the unprocessed item was initially created. Add the required data and complete the processing of the item.
Use the SERA Administration tab to see the list of available tools, as shown in the following image.

Clicking the link for “Manage GCA Groups…” will display a new page with a list of choices, as shown below.

There are separate tools to
The following articles describe each administration tool.