Issue: Travel entries are not remaining editable when they should on disclosures that have not yet been reviewed.
Workaround: none.
An issue that was causing travel financial interests more than 12 months old (and expired) to still be included in the total on disclosures that had not yet been reviewed has been resolved.
This section will display if “Reimbursed or sponsored travel” was selected in the Entity Nature of Interest section.
Travel Expenses: Expenses incurred for the purpose of engaging in travel activity, including but not limited to, costs for transportation, parking, food, drink, lodging, and related amenities.
Within this section, you can add new travel and copy or delete current travel entries.
Note: Travel entries that are more than one year old or more than a year in the future are not considered part of the SFI being disclosed. Therefore, older travel entries will not display as part of the SFI entity. You will also not be able to add new travel that is more than a year in the future.
Add New Travel
To provide details about travel, click the Add New Travel button, as show in the following image.

A window will open for you to enter your travel information, as show in the following image.

Within this window, click Add to save what you’ve entered, or the Cancel link or icon (X) to close the window.
Field |
Description |
Value of Travel |
This value must be zero or greater. You may include the dollar sign ($), commas and a period in this field. This is a required field. |
Destination |
Enter the name of the destination. There is a limit of 50 characters. This field is required. |
Start Date of Activity |
Use the pop-up calendar to select a date, or type one in using the month/day/year format (e.g., 10/31/2022). The start date must be within the preceding 12 months, or the next 12 months. This field is required. |
End Date of Activity |
Use the pop-up calendar to select a date, or type one in using the month/day/year format (e.g., 10/31/2022). The date can be the same as the Start Date or a later date. This field is required. |
Sponsored or Reimbursed |
Select the appropriate choice from the menu. You must select at least one choice.
Sponsored Travel: |
Any travel for which the Travel Expenses are paid directly by an outside entity (with some exceptions).
Reimbursed Travel: Any travel activity for which the Travel Expenses are paid directly by the Investigator, who is then reimbursed by an entity for such Travel Expenses (with some exceptions).
Exceptions: Sponsored or Reimbursed Travel shall not include Travel Expenses that are reimbursed by a federal, state, or local government agency, an institution of higher education, an academic teaching hospital, a medical center, or a research institute that is affiliated with an institution of higher education.
For more information, see Travel Disclosures in GIM 10. |
Foreign or Domestic |
Select the appropriate choice from the menu. You must select at least one choice.
Purpose of Trip |
Enter a description of the purpose of the trip. There is a limit of 500 characters. This field is required. |
Please indicate if (check all that apply) |
Select all choices that apply.
- Your spouse/domestic partner, or other family members, accompanied you on this trip.
- Additional personal recreational activities extended the duration of this trip
Copy or Delete Travel Entries
If you have an existing entry for a trip, you can copy or delete the entry as shown in the following image.

You can click the Copy link to use some of an existing entry’s data for a similar entry. The same dialog used to add new travel will appear with these fields copied:
- Value of Travel
- Destination
- Sponsored or Reimbursed
- Foreign or Domestic
- Purpose of trip
- Indicator check boxes
If you need to remove a travel entry, you can click the Delete link. You must confirm the deletion.