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TCAC July 2000 Report Index Index to Appendices

TCAC July 2000 Report to the Provost--Appendix D

Management of Enrollment Growth at a Publicly Supported University: Assumptions and Key Components.

  1. Assumptions:

    1. Provide quality educational opportunities, whether proximal or distant, for all students at the lowest cost possible.

    2. Address specific mandates established by state government (e.g., UW has a Medical school whereas no other state supported university does and the new campuses were established, among other reasons, to serve placebound, timebound and workbound students).

    3. Be sensitive to the needs of the region, state, nation and world (now and in the future) through thoughtful assessment and extrapolation of existing trends and changes coupled and integrated with an imaginative approach to perceived future challenges.

    4. Be aware of student demand (e.g., for specific programs of study).

  2. Key Aspects of Any Successful Policy for Management of Enrollment Growth:

    Regardless of the policy used to guide the management of enrollment growth at each UW campus or across the UW campuses, the following key steps are assumed to be critical:

    1. Assess need and demand for increased access to educational opportunities for students within the region, the state and beyond.

    2. Analyze data and information from the assessment processes to identify which new academic programs should be established and/or which existing academic programs should grow or shrink and to what extent.

    3. Estimate the resources needed to expand the existing programs and to initiate the new programs identified in item 2 (all with quality).

    4. Prioritize the various elements of growth noted in item 2.

    5. Based on this priority list, prepare operating and capital budget requests to the legislature well in advance (for specific enrollment growth and the resources to support that growth, including those needed to improve/build the necessary infrastructure).

    6. Then, given the specific resources, the enrollment targets and the specific infrastructure development, which the legislature does authorize (via biennial or supplemental budget bills), and having reviewed the priority list, select and fund areas of growth commensurate with the resources and infrastructure provided.

    7. Finally, evaluate the effectiveness of the growth and attendant changes which were selected in item 6.
July 14, 2000

TCAC July 2000 Report Index Index to Appendices