UW Faculty Auxiliary

April 18, 2017

2017 UWFA Spring Luncheon and Sign-up

Distinguished Frye Museum lecturer Rebecca
Albiani will be the speaker at the Spring Luncheon. Her talk will explore the extraordinary marriage of Mexican muralist Diego Rivera and brilliant painter Frida Kahlo. Outsized personalities and important modern artists, Rivera and Kahlo revered Central American folk art and holidays such as the Dia de los Muertos, but built the first modernist home in Mexico. Although they were well aware of European trends, their art was grounded in the fertile roots of the visual traditions of pre-Conquest Mexico.
Rebecca is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley, where she studied art history and Italian. She earned a master’s degree in Art History at Stan-ford University and did research on 16th century painting in Venice on a Fulbright Scholarship. She began lecturing at the Frye Museum in 1996 and instituted the Frye Dinner and Art lecture series, which has transformed into the monthly art history series that draws sold-out crowds.
Although Rebecca’s specialty is Italian Renaissance, she has lectured on topics ranging from ancient Egypt to Pop Art.

Please register for the Spring Luncheon event