Tag Archives: Cycle

The following table describes the columns on the Cycle Tasklist and the type of information included in each column. The columns are listed in alphabetical order.

Tasklist Field Description
Assigned To By default, a newly-created cycle is assigned to File. You cannot change the assignment.
Mod Nbr Award Modification Number on a Funding Action, or the Modification Number on a Subaward Action
Org Rcvg Funding Name of Organization Receiving Funding; populated from the first child item added to the cycle
Org Rcvg Funding Code Code of Organization Receiving Funding; populated from first child
PI Name Principal Investigator; populated from first child
Short Title Also known as the Budget title; populated from first child
Sponsor Name Populated from first child

You can personalize your tasklist to display only the information you’re interested in tracking. For example, you can define the columns that display and the order of the columns, among other things.

A Cycle is an electronic file that contains all the items relating to a specific Sponsored Project during a specific competing segment. Cycles are a convenient mechanism for tracking the progression of a competing segment and the relationship of the items created within that segment.

Figure 1 provides one example of a Cycle’s contents. There is a large circle to represent the cycle, with two smaller circles enclosed, each representing an application. Within the application circles are smaller circles representing associated funding actions and administrative actions.

items in a cycle

Figure 1: Items in a Cycle

Cycle Relationships

You can relate one cycle to another. You might relate Cycles, for example, when a project has multiple competing segments and you want to associate competing renewal applications with the original application.