September 2018 Maintenance Release

Goal: Improve Award Data Quality & Transparency

Add link to MyResearch funding status details page from eGC1

For eGC1s that are in the Status of Approved, Awarded, or Denied by Sponsor, there will be two places where a user can link directly to MyResearch, to view processing details like holds placed on items, or comments left by OSP or GCA as funding actions are being set up.

  • eGC1 task list, via eGC1 Status hotlink
  • eGC1 left navigation

For eGC1s that are in Composing, Routing, or In OSP status, the left navigation element will not be shown, and the hotlink from the eGC1 status on tasklist will behave as it currently does (Routing or In OSP status takes a user to the Approvals page; Composing items have no hotlink on Status).

Add New Fields and “Terms & Conditions” section to the Funding Action

In order to streamline the award setup process and provide clarity on the terms and conditions, the following new fields will be added to the Funding Action in SPAERC and SERA:

  • Carryover (options: Requires Sponsor Approval, Automatic Carryover, Subject to Sponsor Limitations)
  • Carryover Explanation (when subject to sponsor limitations)
  • Disposition of Balance (options: UW to Retain, Return to Sponsor, Subject to Sponsor Limitations, Not Applicable)
  • Disposition Explanation (when subject to sponsor limitations)

There are three additional fields also added to the funding action that will improve our reporting, analytics, and sponsor award lookup capabilities:

  • Award Modification Number
  • Originating Sponsor Award Number
  • Non-Monetary Amount

In order to provide a more consolidated area for setup and viewing of award terms, a new section called Terms & Conditions will be added to the Funding Action. The new fields above, plus the previously labeled “GCA Flags” will bundle under this section, along with Payment Type and Equipment.

Changes to eFunding Action Receipt (Notification) to Campus (SAGE-327, SAGE-206)

The new Funding Action fields listed above will be added to the eFA Receipt PDF, which is sent to campus when GCA completes processing of a new action. The new Terms and Conditions section referenced above will be added as well, and all available data in that section of the FA will display. These changes will give campus more comprehensive information on new awards, and will match the language of the FA with that of SPAERC and SERA, which will aid communications between campus, OSP and GCA.

The body of the email that contains the FA Receipt PDF will now include an explanatory statement related to budget setup, to clarify that budget data will not appear in MyFinancial Desktop, Grant Tracker, and Ariba until the day after budget setup is completed in the Finance System.

Add New Fields to GCA Pending Actions Report

The new funding action data fields will be added to the GCA Pending Actions Report in SERA.

Default Funding Action Fields when the Sponsor is Royalty Research Fund

To streamline award setup when the Sponsor is Royalty Research Fund (RRF), many of the Funding Action fields will default a value but remain editable.

Update SPAERC Funding Action tabbing for accessibility and efficiency

SPAERC users can now easily tab through the fields of the Funding Action and perform their entry using only the keyboard and with a logical flow. This change will bring the funding action up to accessibility standards and provide users with added efficiency gains through less scrolling and repositioning of the cursor.

Goal: Comply with Sponsor System-to-System Requirements

Grant Runner Update to New Grants.Gov Header and Hash SAGE-70)

Grants.Gov has changed the way that proposal submission data files are to be structured, with the addition of a new header and hash. The changes will allow for a cleaner way of identifying a unique funding opportunity and formset, through introduction of a PackageID into the header. The Grant Runner system is updated to comply with this new change.

Grant Runner Update to New Grants.Gov Web Services (SAGE-71, SAGE-193, SAGE-204)

Grants.Gov has replaced the web services that provide funding opportunity details and submission status, to new ones, coinciding with the new PackageID introduction referenced above. Grant Runner is updated to now call the following new services:

  • GetOpportunityList
  • GetSubmissionList

Goal: Improve Technical Infrastructure & Monitoring

The following SAGE technical work supports the goal of improving monitoring of new SAGE work being released.

  • Additional unit tests added to Non-Fiscal Compliance section
  • Preliminary release and monitoring of new services to be utilized by Budget Sync October release

Goal: Deliver small enhancements that add clarity for users or deliver high value capabilities

FIDS: Minor Language Change on Submit Disclosure Page

The affirmation statement found on the FIDS Complete Disclosure page was changed to remove a School of Medicine-specific reference that could more generally apply. The statement now includes the agreement to include “further details of my financial interests, as requested by the Office of Research and, when applicable, the Office of the Vice Dean for Research, or their equivalent in my school/college…”.

AUMS: Language change in Consult Email

The email that AUMS applicants receive when a consult with the Occupational Health Nurse is required has been updated with new contact information and guidance, due to recent organizational and business process changes in EHS.