November 2016 SAGE Maintenance Release

General Updates

Grant Runner: Detailed and Subaward Budget Form Version Update

Grants.Gov will be releasing new versions of select forms by end of October, primarily due to some forms reaching their expiration dates. Two Grant Runner forms will be updated as a result: RR Detailed Budget and RR Subaward Budget. The RR Detailed Budget will display a new “Total Costs and Fees” calculation for each period, and for the cumulative budget. This will be visible for any opportunities utilizing version 1.4 of the RR budget form.

Updates to Human Subjects HS-1-B question

Clinical Research Budget and Billing (CRBB) has provided improved language and helpful alerts surrounding the HS-1-B compliance question. If you answer YES to HS-1, (Does this application involve the use of human subjects?), the HS-1-B compliance question appears. It will ask you about the use of UW Medicine Health System clinical services, procedures or tests in regards to human subjects use, and provides additional details intended to help you answer the question more easily.

Primate Center added to AUMS notifications

The AUMS review complete email was updated to include the Health and Safety specialist in the Primate Center on the email distribution list.

Training environment permissions updated to allow subawards testing without having the Subaward Preparer ASTRA role

The SAGE training environment has been updated to allow any user with a UW NetID to create test records in the Subawards section. Users no longer need to have the Subaward Preparer ASTRA role while working in the training environment. They will, however, still need to have the Subaward Preparer ASTRA role when working in the production (live) environment. The training environment release was made on 11/1/2016.


Approval comments made after approval will no longer change the approval date (260583)

An issue which was causing the “My Approval Date” of an eGC1 to be updated when an approver comment was added at a later date, has been fixed. With this change, the original approval data will remain intact, when a subsequent comment is added.

Minor update to subawards return email

An update has been made to the subawards Notification of Return email, to clean up some accidental html characters displaying in the content.