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2. The Conversation

As one of the Committee's first efforts to broaden the campus conversation, it designed and distributed an informal questionnaire which identified a range of issues related to the twin topics of "faculty responsibilities" and "faculty rewards." Although the return rate wasn't high enough for the results to be used in a formal way, the response was informative, as much for the criticisms and critiques of the questions as for the answers themselves. A wider range of issues was addressed at a series of forums sponsored by the Committee, two on the Seattle campus, for which the combined turnout was about 2% of the faculty, and one on each of the Bothell and Tacoma campuses, at which the turnout was around 20%. In response to its invitation for written input, the Committee received over 100 letters from individual faculty as well as several letters from groups of faculty representing their units. Many of these letters can be viewed on the Committee's web page The Committee also met with the chairs of the Advisory Board on Accountability, the Special Committee on Minority Affairs, and the Special Committee on Faculty Women.