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Strategy IX

Plan for facilities and support services to allow growth.

The most critical problem in providing access is the cost of constructing new physical facilities. Bothell and Tacoma are currently in design or construction with plans for growth that extend beyond 2010. The adequacy of these plans and the pace of construction must be carefully administered to insure that growth is adequate to meet student demand. Capital planning for the Seattle campus is guided by the General Physical Development Plan. This plan must be agreed to by the city and construction is limited by environmental and social impacts on the surrounding neighborhoods such as traffic. Currently a new plan is under development to be negotiated with the city.

A major new construction program is needed for the Seattle campus which will significantly add to or change the current priorities of the current University capital development plan. Cost analysis shows that facilities such as faculty and administrative offices, laboratories, classrooms, library space and utilities are expensive to build. Efficiencies in the use of current facilities, and the expansion of distance learning will have to be part of the solution. But, in some areas such as faculty offices and teaching laboratories, we already exceed current capacity. To provide future access, we must invest in new capital facilities, on the Seattle campus as well as building out facilities at Tacoma and Bothell.


  1. Develop a shared responsibility model for funding capital needs to meet enrollment demands combining: state funds, student fees and improved space use efficiencies.

  2. Develop an omnibus remodeling/addition capital construction project to selectively add classrooms and faculty office space on the Seattle campus.

  3. Survey classroom space controlled by departments and programs to assess overall university space use efficiencies.

  4. Develop a method for managing peak demand of facilities as a tool for more effectively balancing classroom use throughout the day and week.

  5. Require general assignment classroom space in all new building projects.

  6. Explore opportunities to share facilities with other academic institutions.

  7. Make maintenance funding a priority in the institution to keep existing facilities in good operating condition.

  8. Create facilities and incentives for faculty to develop distance learning educational packages that would minimize traditional classroom needs.

  9. Continue to pursue capital project funding aggressively to develop the full enrollment potential on our Bothell and Tacoma campuses.

  10. Encourage an increasing number of students to pursue study abroad, practicum and other off campus educational experiences for one term during their college career.

  11. Increase the use of summer quarter as part of the regular academic program, following the recommendations of the Committee on Summer Quarter. Consider ways in which Evening Degree Program can compliment or support the regular academic program.