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Strategy VI

Invest in students by removing barriers to learning and progress to graduation.

Quality and efficiency in education can be enhanced by improving the conditions of learning. The most important barriers to student progress are: overwhelming curricular requirements; restricted access to courses and majors; indecision about what to study and matching interest with ability; and inadequate financial aid. To the extent that these problems are under our control, we must fix them before we enter the period of rapid growth.


  1. Calibrate degree requirements. Academic units consider the progress of their students and insure that the curriculum is organized and presented in a way that the necessary knowledge and skills of a discipline can be acquired within the equivalent of four years of full time study.

  2. Improve advising. Provide students with the advice, counseling and mentoring they need to expand intellectually, succeed academically, choose their course of study wisely and progress efficiently toward graduation. Specifically provide:

  3. Manage the curriculum. Organize and maintain the curriculum to provide reasonable access to courses, majors and professional programs students need to meet academic goals and progress to degree. Specifically:

  4. Increase financial aid. Act to influence public policy at state and federal levels to provide balanced and sufficient financial aid permitting students to concentrate on academic achievement and progress. Raise private funds to supplement financial aid provided by federal and state governments.