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Strategy IV

Evolve the three campuses of the University of Washington into an integrated educational system based on the principle of complementarity of programs and functions.

The University of Washington plans to meet its access goal by distributing growth among its Seattle, Bothell and Tacoma campus. Growth at the Seattle campus is limited by space and city agreements. Bothell and Tacoma are projected to grow from their current size of approximately 800 Annual Average Full Time Equivalent students (AAFTEs) to over 6000 by 2010. To accomplish this growth, our three campuses must evolve into a more integrated and complementary system.

The Bothell and Tacoma campuses were originally established to serve place-bound upper division and master level students. They were to focus on teaching, support scholarship sufficient to maintain faculty vitality, and develop programs closely tied to community needs. Initially, Bothell and Tacoma were considered relatively independent institutions. As a result, each campus has developed a special character which is cherished by faculty and students. Recently however, through new program development, shared services and student need, the three campuses have drawn more closely together. A Provost's committee endorsed these changes and recommended new ways of strengthening ties among our campuses. Enrollment planning now requires continued evolution toward an integrated three campus system which maintains the individual identity of each campus while increasing the complementarity of programs and functions.


  1. Enrollment planning among Seattle, Bothell and Tacoma be carried out jointly, under the direction of the Office of the Provost.

  2. Encourage complementarity and collaboration in program development and faculty effort across our three campuses:

  3. Develop a system of flexible education across our three campuses that permits:

  4. Implement now collaborative programming among the three campuses via technology/distance education and other mechanisms.

  5. Growth and program development at the Bothell and Tacoma campuses be highly focused on validated needs of the communities, potential students and future employers.

  6. Mobility of students and faculty across our three campuses be increased. The transfer/exchange policy for students wishing to move among the three campuses be as flexible as possible. The 45-credit residency requirement for graduation be amended to define residency as enrollment on any of our three campuses.