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Strategy II

Shape the University through enrollment growth in ways that enhance the core mission and promote selective excellence.

Whom should we educate? That is the most difficult question we will face. As a comprehensive university, we have many constituents. Enrollment pressure will create conflicts of interest requiring tough decisions. Starting with a series of questions, we make recommendations. They are controversial, and in some cases even contradictory.


  1. That the core commitment must be to educating the next generation of first time undergraduate, graduate and professional students.

  2. That careful consideration be given to the many student populations we serve, and opportunity be expanded for those best able to take advantage of the special strengths and unique programs of the University.

  3. That the University, taking Seattle, Tacoma and Bothell as a whole, should strive for a balance of approximately 70% undergraduate and 30% graduate students. This would result in a slight shift toward graduate/professional education.

  4. That the Seattle campus should select freshmen most prepared to take advantage of a research based university. This would result in a rise in the admission index.

  5. That the current mix of students entering as freshmen and transfer students remain consistent over time.

  6. Under conditions in which there are more transfer applicants than space allows, that holders of a community college Associate of Arts or Science Degree be given priority over community college transfers without the AA degree. Community College transfers without associate degrees should not have a priority over four-year transfers. Many four-year students are well-prepared and transfer after their freshman year. They should have equal access with community college transfers.

  7. That transfer students to the Seattle campus apply for direct admittance to the major or college they wish to enter.

  8. In a period of growth, and under conditions of adequate state funding, that the University hold to its traditional practice of restricting undergraduate out of state enrollment.

  9. That growth in graduate and professional programs favor both quality of the program and the demand for graduates in the field or discipline.

  10. That the evening degree programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels continue to be closely coordinated with the schools, colleges and the overall UW strategy. That planning for evening degree programs at the undergraduate and graduate level be complementary with and supportive of departmental and college programs and responsive to student need.