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Accountability Report Appendices

Appendix J
Faculty and Student Creative/Artistic Events

The faculty associated with the studio and performing arts, College of Arts and Science are expected to submit annually information which could be converted into an appropriate database for measuring faculty creative and artistic activity. In the fields of music, dance, drama, and the visual arts presentations to the public are the standard measure of output. Some of these are local where they serve a special kind of public service, much valued in the larger community. These performances are also closely tied to teaching of students in these departments and fields. Performances at national or international venues have substantial professional prestige and are important in raising the stature of the UW and its programs. While reviews by music, dance, theatre, and visual arts critics tend to carry great weight, the creative and artistic activities are not systematically covered and there is no equivalent to the Citation Index for these presentations and performances.

Student performances, always supervised by faculty, are the culmination of their educational experience. For example, all Bachelor of Fine Arts students in the School of Art must have a public exhibition in the Jacob Lawrence Gallery in the School of Art and the Masters of Fine Arts students show in the Henry Art Gallery. Data collection on student participation does take place but it is less systematic.

Using the limited resources currently available for music and dance, we found that for the 1995-96 academic year the following could be tabulated:

faculty activities on campus: Music 94
Dance 46
faculty activities off campus Music 260
Dance 199
student recitals on campus Music 140
other student performances on campus Music 215
Dance 47

We urge the proposed Advisory Board on Accountability to work with the appropriate faculty in the creative and artistic fields to develop an electronic based system for measuring the number of events in which faculty participate and the number of students who participate in these various activities, as well as begin to develop a weighted system which factors in quality.

Accountability Report Appendices