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October 5, 1999:

Richard L. McCormick's Annual Address to the University Community.

October 20, 1999:

Provost's Administrators' Workshop

October 29, 1999:

Visiting Committee Day

November 16, 1999:

UW Campus Master Plan Campus/Community Open House (summary)
12:30-3:00PM: UW Campus, HUB rm. 200
6:00-8:30PM: University Heights Community Center, rm. 209
For more information call 206-221-4183, or e-mail

November 18, 1999:

"Diversity in an Anti-Affirmative Action Environment: Challenges in the New Millennium," by Dr. Orlando Taylor, Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Howard University
3:30-5:30PM: Walker-Ames Room, Kane Hall, UW (summary)

University of Washington staff were invited to join President Richard L. McCormick in a conversation about the future and about the UW's strategic opportunities in relation to the future.

November 18, 1999: University of Washington, Bothell; Room 102, 2:15-3:15 PM
December 3, 1999: University of Washington, Seattle; HUB, Room 106B, 9:30-10:30 AM
December 16, 1999: University of Washington, Tacoma; Academic Bldg., Room BHS 106, 9:30-10:30 AM

Winter Quarter, 2000:
A course, "Rethinking the University"    is being offered through the Comparative History of Ideas (CHID) program, taught by Professor James Clowes. It is a 2-credit course which will engage students in thinking about a university in general, and about the future of this university in particular, through a series of guest speakers, from outside and inside this university; group discussions; participation in all-University forums; and a culminating meeting with President Richard L. McCormick.
For a look at the final report from this class, please go to their web page.

January 5, 2000: A Public Lecture, "Rethinking the University: The Promise and Perils of Strategic Planning"
Kane Hall 110, 3:30-5:00 PM -- Check out the summary of this event.
with Professor Edward Lazowska, Computer Science and Engineering; and Professor John Toews, History.
Moderator: Professor Gerry Philipsen (Speech Communication)
Respondents: Regent William Gates, Professor Victoria Lawson (Geography), and President Richard L. McCormick

January 27, 2000: Rethinking the University: The Future of Liberal Education
--A Public Lecture Series sponsored by the UW Faculty Senate
#1:    "The University as a Citizen: the Future of an Identity?"

Kane 110, 7:00-9:00 PM
with Dr. William Sullivan, Carnegie Foundation (summary)
Moderator: Walter Parker (Education)
Respondents: Christine DiStefano (Political Science) and John Palka (Zoology)

February 3, 2000: Rethinking the University: The Future of Liberal Education
--A Public Lecture Series sponsored by the UW Faculty Senate
#2:  "Cultivating the Useless: Rhetoric and the Liberal Arts in the Age of Consumerism"
7:00-9:00 PM, 210 Kane Hall,
with Dr. Michael Leff, Communication Studies, Northwestern University
Moderator: Lisa Coutu (Speech Communication)
Respondents: Johnnella Butler (American Ethnic Studies) and Hazard Adams (Comparative Literature)
Reception, 9:00-10:00 PM in the Walker-Ames Room (Kane Hall)

February 4, 2000:

President Richard L. McCormick will meet with Development Services staff at their strategic planning retreat, "Servin Safari," at 9:00 AM to discuss the importance of their own conversation about the future. (summary)

February 4, 2000:

Conversation between President Richard L. McCormick and Alumni at the Alumni Association Board meeting, 3:00-4:00 PM, Don James Center (summary)

February 7, 2000:

by invitation only Public Health Sciences and the Biotechnology Industry in the 21st Century (summary)
with Edward Penhoet, Dean, School of Public Health, University of California-Berkeley
5:00-7:30 PM Walker-Ames Room
5:00-5:45, Reception; 5:45-7:30 talk and panel discussion, questions and comments from guests, Walker-Ames Room
Panel participants: Robert Day (Fred Hutchinson CRC), Bruce Carter (Zymogenetics), Thomas Fleming (Biostatistics), Alvin Kwiram (Research), Stewart Parker (Targeted Genetics), Thomas Ranken (Axio Corp.)

February 10, 2000: Rethinking the University: The Future of Liberal Education
--A Public Lecture Series sponsored by the UW Faculty Senate
#3:  "Diversity in Liberal Education"
7:00-9:00 PM, 120 Kane Hall
with Dr. Carol Geary Schneider, President, Association of American Colleges and Universities
Moderator: Ana Marie Cauce (Psychology)
Respondents: Neal Koblitz (Mathematics) and Susan Jeffords (Divisional Dean, Arts and Sciences)
Reception, 9:00-10:00 PM in the Walker-Ames Room (Kane Hall)

February 11, 2000: Rethinking the University: The Future of Liberal Education
--A Public Lecture Series sponsored by the UW Faculty Senate
The Future of Liberal Education--A University Forum
(A culmination of the lecture series.)
3:30-5:30 PM, 120 Kane Hall
Moderator: Frederick Campbell (Dean, Undergraduate Education)
Panelists: Constantin Behler (Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences), Leah Ceccarelli (Speech Communication), Debra Friedman (Associate Provost for Academic Planning), Nicole Kovite (ASUW), Arthur Nowell (Dean, Ocean and Fishery Sciences), Lea Vaughn (Law)
Reception, 5:30-7:00 PM in the Walker-Ames Room (Kane Hall)

February 15, 2000:

UW Foundation Meeting, "A discussion with our community and President McCormick about the future of philanthropy in funding higher education"
9:00 AM - Noon, Seafirst Executive Center, Douglas Forum Room

February 23, 2000:

Professional Staff Organization Forum. Please read the Anderson Report if you are interested in participating. It will provide participants with a set of topics to start the discussions. See PSO's web page for more information.
12:00-1:20 PM, PAAA-102, New Physics/Astronomy Lecture Hall. (summary)

February 23, 2000:

Diversity on Campus: A New Century of Implications, with Mr. Ellis Cose, organized by the President's Advisory Committee on Diversity (summary)
7:00 PM, 130 Kane Hall, free admission
seating reservatinos requested by February 11 at

February 24, 2000: Rethinking the University: The Future of Liberal Education
--A Public Lecture Series sponsored by the UW Faculty Senate
Sciences and Humanities: Do the sciences need the humanities and do the humanities need the sciences? -- A conversation about technology and judgment in the 21st century.
3:30-5:00, 120 Kane Hall
Moderator: Dean David Hodge, Arts and Sciences
Participants: Keith Benson (Medical History and Ethics), Bruce Margon (Astronomy), Maynard Olson (Genome Center and Medical Center Genetics), Andrea Woody (Philosophy)

March 3, 2000:

Scholarly Communication: New Models for a New Millennium
Co-sponsored by the Office of the Provost, the Faculty Senate, the Faculty Council on University Libraries, and the University Libraries. (Check the Libraries' website for more information.)

March 9, 2000:

Preparing Ph.D.s for Success in the New Century" co-sponsored by The Center for Instructional Development and Research (CIDR), The Graduate School, Faculty Council on Instructional Quality, UW Teaching Academy, Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS)
Panelists: Denice Denton, Michael Halleran, James Harrington, Donna Kerr
3:30-5:00, Walker-Ames Room, Kane Hall, reception to follow
If you plan to attend, please RSVP, giving your name and department, to Madelle Quiring, 543-6588, or to

March 10, 2000:

Training Session for faculty facilitators of the theme-based dinners (with participants from UW faculty and greater community) conducted by Social Work Professor Ratnesh Nagda
9:00 AM - Noon (meet at 220 Odegaard; meeting will move to another location where lunch will be served)
If you have been contacted to facilitate, please RSVP to Debra Friedman

March 13, 2000:

Beyond 2020: Thinking in the Future Tense (summary)
Sponsored by the President's Staff Forum.
What is probable? What is possible? What is preferred?
International Futurist Glen Hiemstra and a panel of UW staff respondents challenge you to unfreeze your image of the future, think in the future tense, and learn to create your preferred future. See also Mr. Hiemstra's web page.

Originating from Meany Theater, 11:00-1:00 PM, the event will be telecast live to Hoagness Auditorium in Health Sciences, simulcast to the Research and Training Building at Harborview, and broadcast live on UWTV.

March 14, 2000:

Professional Staff Organization Forum. (summary)
Please read the Anderson Report if you are interested in participating. It will provide participants with a set of topics to start the discussions. See PSO's web page for more information.
12:00-1:00 PM, EE/CSE 403, Electrical Engineering Building

March 31 & April 1, 2000:

Free Speech, Dissent, and Citizen Participation: the Role of the University. Sponsored by the Department of Political Science
Friday, March 31, 2000: What Does Democracy Look Like? Dissent and the WTO in Seattle
- A panel discussion with moderator Davis Oldham
7:30 PM - 10:30 PM, 224 Guggenheim Hall
Saturday, April 1, 2000: 1:00-1:20 PM, Orientation, 224 Guggenheim Hall
1:30-3:00 PM and 3:10-4:40 PM, Workshops A. History of Protest in Washington State (037 EE1)
B. Civic Engagement, Citizenship & Dissent in the New Media Environment (317 GUG)
C. Regulating Speech: No Protest Zones (224 GUG)
D. Challenges for Campus Organizing (045 EE1) 8:00-10:30 PM, 120 Kane Hall: Key Note Speech, by Ralph Nader, "Civics for Democracy" to include a short question and answer session (summary)

April 7 & 8, 2000:

Health Sciences Open House 2000
Friday, April 7 from 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM and Saturday, April 8 from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
at the Warren G. Magnuson Health Sciences Center

April 10, 2000:

What is Merit? and Does it Matter in any Event?
with Pedro Noguera, UC-Berkeley, to lead the panel discussion, and faculty respondents (TBA)
3:00-4:30 PM, HUB 106
organized by the President's Advisory Committee on Diversity

April 11, 2000:

Professional Staff Organization Forum. This forum will provide participants with a set of topics to start the discussions. See PSO's web page for more information.
12:00-1:00 PM, 203 Ocean Sciences Building. (summary)

April 13-15, 2000:

Re-envisioning the Ph.D. Conference
Hosted by the Center for Instructional Development and Research and The Graduate School
Renaissance Madison Hotel
Be sure to visit the Re-envisioning the Ph.D. website. For questions, please call (206) 543-6588 or email

April 23-25, 2000:

Board of Deans' Retreat
To discuss assumptions, values & opportunity for the University
Special Report: A Contribution to the Conversation about the Future from the Board of Deans, May 2000

Please note: This report is in Adobe Acrobat Reader format. It can only be read and printed using Adobe Acrobat Reader software (version 3.0 or higher preferred). To obtain the free Acrobat software, follow this link to Adobe's website and follow the download instructions.

May 4, 2000: Public Intellectuals and the Crisis of Higher Education: Rethinking the role of critical pedagogy and cultural studies in the age of corporate culture. (summary)
4:30-6:00 PM, Kane 210 (reception follows)
with Dr. Henry Giroux, Professor of Education, Pennsylvania State University
A Conversation About the Future presented by the Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS)

May 5, 2000:

Are You a Partner in Your Health Care?
10:30 AM - 2:30 PM, HUB Auditorium
Keynote speaker: Kate Lorig, Ph.D., Stanford University Check out her website for more information.
HSPICE Symposium 2000 -- Partners for Health. A symposium highlighting the increasing future need for patients to partner with providers to achieve both high-quality and affordable health care. It highlights skills necessary for effective health outcomes. The symposium is also designed to explore collaboration across disciplines, empowering patient responsibility for self-care in controlling health-care costs.
Panel discussions: (1) Weight Management - Focus - Eating Healthy, (2) Living with a Chronic Illness, and (3) Mental Health/Depression - Focus - Self Care vs. Self Management

May 12, 2000:

Race in the 21st Century: A Conversation
11:00-12:30, Walker-Ames Room, Kane Hall, lunch reception to follow
Participants: Charles R. Johnson, English Department; Andrea Simpson, Political Science; Angela Ginorio, Director, NW Center for Research on Women; Maria P.P. Root, independent consultant and former faculty member; Michael Honey, Liberal Studies, UWTacoma; Diane Gillespie, Liberal Studies, UWBothell; and James Banks, Director, Center for Multicultural Education. (summary)

May 12, 2000: The Future of Faculty Governance, a forum.
2:00-4:00 PM, Kane 220, reception to follow in the Walker-Ames Room
Participants include President Richard L. McCormick, John Junker (Law), Lea Vaughn (Secretary of the Faculty), Regent Cindy Zehnder, Duane Storti (Mechanical Engineering), and Gerry Philipsen (Chair, Faculty Senate). (summary)

June 2, 2000:

A special conversation with advisors from the Undergraduate Advising Center organized by Loveday Conquest and Dick Simkins
12:00-1:00 PM, Peterson Room, Allen Library

July 12, 2000:

The President's Staff Forum invites you to participate in a conversation about the future
Seattle campus
Join co-workers for lunch on the us! Talk about workstyle enrichment - family and workplace.
11:30-12:30 p.m. Walker-Ames Room, Kane Hall

July 14-15, 2000:

"Rethinking American Area Studies", Peterson Room, 9:00AM to 5:00PM
The American Area Studies Faculty Research Group will hold a two-day summer symposium to explore opportunities in creating an interdisciplinary research center devoted to furthering our understanding of the cultures and politics of the Americas in the era of globalization. Interdisciplinary American Studies scholars from around the country will be joining UW faculty from the Departments of History, Geography, English, Philosophy and American Ethnic Studies in this discussion. Confirmed participants include: Henry Abelove (Wesleyan University), Michael Denning (Yale University), Susan Gillman (Univeristy of California Santa Cruz), Adam Green (Northwestern University), Melani McCalister (George Washington University), George Sanchez (USC), Audra Simpson (McGill University), and Siobhan Sommerville (Purdue University).

July 22, 2000:

Musings on the Future--Arts in the University
3:30-5:30, Henry Art Gallery Auditorium
An element of the Summer Arts Festival.

July 25, 2000: The President's Staff Forum invites you to participate in a conversation about the future
Seattle campus
Join co-workers for lunch on the us! Talk about job enhancement - technology and transitions.
11:30-12:30 p.m. Kane Hall room 210

July 27, 2000:

The President's Staff Forum invites you to participate in a conversation about the future
at UW Bothell, UW Tacoma, and Harborview from 12:00-1:00 p.m.
Join co-workers for lunch on the us! Talk about workstyle enrichment, job enhancement, and community.
UW Bothell: Room 151 (summary)
UW Tacoma: Tacoma Room, GWP 320 (summary)
Harborview: Room 117, R&T Building (summary)

August 9, 2000:

The President's Staff Forum invites you to participate in a conversation about the future
Seattle campus
Join co-workers for lunch on the us! Talk about community building - inside and out.
11:30-12:30 p.m. Kane Hall room 120

September 29-30, 2000:

Voices for Healthy Environments, Healthy Communities, a Town Meeting sponsored by the UW Center for Ecogenetics and Environmental Health (CEEH) in conjunction with the National Institute of Environmental Health (NIEHS).
Featuring Kenneth Olden, a NIEHS program director, with presentations by community environmental and arts groups and panel discussion workships with community members, scientists, regulatory agency and government representation. This is a unique opportunity to help shape national health research policy in the years ahead.
Friday, Sept. 29 from 3:00 - 9:30 PM and Saturday, Sept. 30 from 8:00 - 5:30 PM at the Mt. Zion Baptist Church.



Science Colloquium An interdisciplinary forum for UW scientists to continuously teach each other about current knowledge and outstanding problems in a broad spectrum of the most exciting frontier fields.


Progress Project

A joint initiative of the Daniel J. Evans School of Public Affairs and the Glaser Family Foundation. (At the core of The Progress Project is an effort to engage citizens, scholars, leaders and policymakers in the public and private sectors in a vital debate on progress.)


Teaching Academy Conversations

The Teaching Academy had campus conversations with the following groups of students to get their input into improving educational processes at the UW. (See the summaries of some of these events.)

May 3, 2000: UW Bothell, Room 151, 9:30-11:00 AM
May 2, 2000: UW Bothell, Room 107, 5:30-7:00 PM
April 13, 2000: Student Board of Control, Parrington Hall Commons, 6:00-7:30 PM
February 18, 2000: International Teaching Assistants, Electrical Engineering 403, 12:00-2:00 PM
January 28, 2000: Extended pre-major students, Ethnic Cultural Center, 12:00-2:00 PM
January 27, 2000: Student athletes, Allen Library, Petersen Room, 12:00-2:00 PM
January 21, 2000: Mary Gates Scholars, Allen Library, Petersen Room, 12:00-2:00 PM
December 9, 1999: Educational Opportunity Program students, The HUB, room 309, 5:00-7:00 PM
December 9, 1999: Honors Program students, Padelford Hall, Honors Lounge, 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
December 2, 1999: Freshman Interest Group students, Parrington Hall, The Forum, 5:00-7:00 PM

President-Student Forums
President Richard L. McCormick and students from each college or school on campus will meet to discuss the future of the UW. These conversations are being organized by students from each college/school. Please check with your dean's office to find out how to participate.

January 12, 2000: College of Education, 104 Miller, 7:00-8:00 PM -- Click here for a summary of this event.
January 25, 2000: UW Bothell, The Commons, 11:45-12:45 (summary)
February 1, 2000: UW Tacoma, 1:00-2:00 PM -- Click here for a summary of this event.
February 9, 2000: School of Nursing, 4:30-5:30 PM (summary)
February 22, 2000: Evans School of Public Affairs, Parrington Commons, 5:15-6:15 PM (summary)
March 1, 2000: School of Social Work, 4:30-5:30 PM, SSW Multipurpose Room (summary)
March 3, 2000: College of Arts and Sciences, Arts & Humanities, 12:00-1:00 PM, 201 Gowen Hall (summary)
March 6, 2000: College of Engineering, 4:00-5:00 PM, 101 Loew Hall (summary)
March 10, 2000: College of Forest Resources, 12:30-1:30 PM, Lockwood Forest Club room, Anderson Hall (summary)
March 27, 2000: School of Law, 4:30-5:30 PM (summary)
April 7, 2000: School of Public Health, 12:30-1:30 PM, T-359 (summary)
April 21, 2000: School of Pharmacy, 2:45-3:45 PM, K-069 (summary)
May 2, 2000: School of Dentistry, 5:30-6:30 PM, D-152 (summary)
May 3, 2000: College of Arts and Sciences, Natural Sciences, 4:30-5:30 PM, 301 Gowen Hall (summary)
May 4, 2000: College of Arts and Sciences, Social Sciences, 5:30-6:30 PM, 211 Savery Hall (summary)
May 8, 2000: School of Medicine, 5:30-6:30 PM, T543-549 (summary)
May 10, 2000: School of Business, 12:30-1:30 PM, Undergrad. Lounge (1st flr, Balmer) (summary)
May 11, 2000: School of Library & Information Sciences, 4:30-5:30 PM, EEB 329
May 16, 2000: College of Architecture and Urban Planning, 12:30-1:30 PM (summary)
June 1, 2000: College of Ocean & Fishery Sciences, 5:15-6:15 PM, FSH 107 (summary)

Graduate & Professional Student Conversations
GPSS and President McCormick invite all Graduate and Professional Students to attend any of the following conversations, which are a part of a series of hour-long discussion on the future of graduate and professional education at the University of Washington. Realizing that time and food are important to graduate students, the meetings have been arranged so that you can have lunch or dinner on us while discussing one of the following five topics:

April 5, 2000: Information Technology in Graduate Education: Research, Teaching, and Learning; 12:00 Noon in HUB 204N (summary)
April 11, 2000: Professional Development and Mentoring, 12:30 PM, HUB 200C (summary)
April 19, 2000: Graduate Student Labor, 5:00 PM, HUB 309 (summary)
May 2, 2000: Mutual Responsibility: The University and the State, 5:00 PM, HUB 209B (summary)
May 10, 2000: Diversity in Graduate Education, 12:00 PM, HUB 209A (summary)

UW Regents' Dinner Conversations About the Future

The UW Regents have each hosted a dinner for faculty, students and staff around a chosen subject, centering on the future of the University. Below is a list of the dinners. The summaries that have been received and updated are asterisked below.

March 8, 2000: Regent Ark Chin: Pre-School education for disadvantaged families (summary)
March 13, 2000: Regent Cindy Zehnder: Accountability to citizens (summary)
March 15, 2000: Regent Mari Clack: Health Care and WWAMI (summary)
March 28, 2000: Regent Jerry Grinstein: Leadership (summary)
April 19, 2000: Regent Christopher Knaus: Higher education's role in democracy (summary)
April 25, 2000: Regent Constance Proctor: The future of a diverse world (summary) *
April 26, 2000: Regent Daniel Evans: UW presenting its case to the public (summary) *
May 3, 2000: Regent Christopher Knaus: Higher education's role in democracy (dinner #2) (summary) *
May 11, 2000: Regent Shelly Yapp: Future financing (summary)
May 25, 2000: Regent Constance Proctor: The future of a diverse world (Regent Proctor's second dinner) (summary)
Statewide Business Leader Conversations About the Future
The business leader conversations are designed to answer the questions, "What should our students know in the future?" and "Where should the University and higher education community invest for the future?"
May 5, 2000: Wenatchee Business Leaders, Wenatchee Lost Coast Hotel, 10:00 AM (summary)
May 25, 2000: Spokane Business Leaders, Spokane Club, 12:00 PM
June 16, 2000: Vancouver Business Leaders, Heathman Lodge, 7:30 AM (summary)