UW College of Education e-news
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Bring It On: Prestigious Awards for STEM Teachers

Awards for STEM teachers

The Noyce Teaching Scholarship Program and the Leonore Annenberg Teaching Fellowships of the Woodrow Wilson Foundation are accepting applications from individuals entering the secondary teacher preparation program as math or science teachers at the University of Washington and intending to teach in local high-needs schools upon graduation.

Participants will engage in a field-based teacher education program, which integrates academic and clinical instruction. University training and support will extend into the early years of teaching in urban schools, incorporating induction and mentoring programs that feature ongoing school-University cooperation. Following certification in the Teacher Education Program, Noyce Scholars and Leonore Annenberg Teaching Fellows will be expected to teach for at least two years in local high-needs schools.

The Noyce Teaching Scholars Program is accepting applications immediately for Spring 2009. Funded by the National Science Foundation, this program provides applicants with up to $15,000 of financial support to secondary math or science teaching applicants.

The Leonore Annenberg Teaching Fellowships of the Woodrow Wilson Foundation, funded by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, provides up to $30,000 of financial support to secondary math or science teaching applicants.  We are currently accepting applications for a Spring 2010 program start.

Prospective applicants should apply simultaneously to the Teacher Education Program and to the Noyce Teaching Scholars Program and/or the Leonore Annenberg Teaching Fellowships of the Woodrow Wilson Foundation. (Those who have already been accepted into the Teacher Education Program need only to complete the supplemental application/s.)

Teacher Education Program Description
Teacher Education Program Timeline
Noyce Teaching Scholars Program
Leonore Annenberg Teaching Fellowship
Download informational .pdf


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