UW College of Education UW Alumni Association

Alumni eNews

Winter 2006

2006 February Forum: A More Perfect Union

A More Perfect UnionAn old adage suggests students go to school to learn the three “R’s”: reading, writing and arithmetic. These days we can add a fourth “R” to the list: responsibility, as in civic responsibility. 

MAP Scholar Dana Arviso Driven by the Educational Needs of Native Americans

MAP Scholar Dana ArvisoUW College of Education student Dana Arviso was awarded a scholarship from the UW Alumni Association Minority Affairs Program in November 2005. Arviso co-chairs the student group Educators for Social Justice and is working with the College’s Office of Student Services to promote minority recruitment.

Professor Reed Stevens To Bring Video Traces to Bellingham

Prof. Reed StevensAs part of the College’s regional lecture series, Professor Reed Stevens will appear at Western Washington University’s Viking Union to demonstrate Video Traces, the learning technology he created that connects educators across time and distance.

Teachers as Scholars Program Connects Educators with UW Faculty

Teachers as ScholarsNine years ago, Henry Bolter, a long-time school teacher from Brookline, Massachusetts, grew frustrated with the professional development workshops his district mandated.  His dissatisfaction mirrored that of many teachers who associated vocational growth with awakening the life of the mind rather than the latest techniques of classroom management or test preparation strategies. 

New Degree for Athletic Administrators Crosses the Finish Line

COE Professor Jim AntonyYoung athletes train for years to be able to compete in college athletics. Thanks to a new master’s degree offered by the UW College of Education, aspiring athletic administrators at the UW will soon get the training they need to succeed at the collegiate level as well.

Learning Leadership Begins at Home

Tony ByrdThe UW College of Education Leadership for Learning (L4L) program trains education leaders to promote social justice and equity across entire educational systems. This summer, Tony Byrd and 24 other L4L students interviewed non-English speaking immigrant families about their interaction with the schools in their community. More...

Changing Society One Student at a Time

Stephanie Smith (M.Ed. '05)In 2003, Stephanie Smith (M.Ed. ’05) began volunteering for the Institute for Community Leadership (ICL), a national nonviolence education organization which helps young people improve their academic achievement and reduce incidents of demerits or punishment. She took time recently to discuss her experiences at ICL and how the Center uses energetic integration into social action, peace and democracy to promote education.



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College of Education
University of Washington
Box 353600
Seattle, WA 98195-3600
Phone: 206-543-1035

UW Alumni Association
1415 NE 45th St.
Seattle, WA 98105
1-800-AUW-ALUM or (206) 543-0540

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