UW College of Education UW Alumni Association


Professor Reed Stevens To Bring Video Traces to Bellingham


Prof. Reed StevensAs part of the College’s regional lecture series, Professor Reed Stevens will appear at Western Washington University’s Viking Union to demonstrate Video Traces, the learning technology he created that connects educators across time and distance.  Video Traces is a central component of the Ackerley Partnership for Teacher Development, a partnership between the UW College of Education and the Ginger and Barry Ackerley Foundation providing unprecedented support and mentoring for new teachers in 20 high needs schools around Washington state.  College alums and supporters are welcome to join Prof. Stevens for lunch and a demonstration of how Video Traces is allowing educators in different places to work together to help teachers and students in high needs schools reach their full potential.

Who: Professor Reed Stevens
What: Video Traces Discussion and Demonstration
When: 12:00 pm-1:00 pm on Wednesday, March 1, 2006
Where: Western Washington University Viking Union
              516 High Street, Bellingham, WA

This event is free and open to UW College of Education alumni, supporters, and their guests. 

RSVP by email: brooke14@u.washington.edu or phone: 206-543-1035



Links about 'Video Traces'

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