Photograph of Ujima Donalson

A Note from Ujima Donalson, POD Director

Just when we think we're already in a time of unprecedented change, things keep shifting, from multiple leadership transitions to HR/P and the Transforming Administration Program. If you feel like your head is spinning, I can relate. But you and your team are not simply a vessel being pushed by waves or winds beyond your control. As counterintuitive as it may seem, when inundated by external changes, leaders should continue—and even intensify—internal planning. Now is the time to take stock of your ship and its crew and become more clear about the course of your team or department.

We've all heard about being prepared with an "elevator speech" should you find yourself with thirty seconds and the undivided attention of a dream client or employer, but what's the elevator speech for your organization? Can you quickly summarize your strengths, potential, and direction?

Here are four questions I think every leader should consider before embarking upon strategic planning or any other future-oriented efforts:

Engaging members of my own team in these questions has already prompted a number of fruitful discussions, made us feel less daunted by external forces, and given us greater clarity about our core work, purpose, and direction.

Planning for the future may feel impractical or impossible when faced with high levels of uncertainty, but this is exactly the time when we need to be the most strategic. To that end, I'm delighted we have an array of planning-intensive and future-oriented articles to offer you in this issue of the Leading Edge.

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