On-Boarding Resources

Help is on the way! From information on the web to useful books, there are many free and low-cost resources available to help managers envision, or reimagine, how employees can be on-boarded in their department.

All managers can visit Human Resources' New Employee Orientation page to determine what orientation activities are appropriate for their employees based on primary work location and role. POD's On-Boarding web page provides tips for managers and also includes an On-Boarding Toolkit that has a wealth of checklists and other resources. (Although a few pieces of the toolkit are geared towards Seattle Campus classified and professional staff, most of it is pertinent for on-boarding any new UW employee.)

Susan Templeton, who teaches POD’s on-boarding class and co-facilitates the University’s in-person new employee orientation, recommends the following books:

For managers hoping to design, or redesign, a departmental orientation that complements the UW’s offerings and requirements, POD offers Onboarding: Sink or Swim is Not a New Employee Orientation each summer.

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