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Marine Biology

208 Fishery Sciences
Faculty Website

Marine Biology is an interdisciplinary program sponsored jointly by the College of the Environment and the College of Arts and Sciences to immerse undergraduate students in the study of marine organisms and ecosystems. Drawing upon the courses, faculty expertise and fields of Aquatic & Fishery Sciences, Biology, Friday Harbor Laboratories and Oceanography, students enhance classroom learning with field and research experiences.

 Undergraduate Program

Marine Biology

208B Fishery Sciences

 Program of Study: Minor: Marine Biology

Program Overview

Marine Biology is the study of life in saltwater environments. This encompasses genetics, physiology and ecology of organisms such as plankton, marine plants, crustaceans, molluscs, fish, and marine mammals. Habitats including the rocky intertidal, estuaries, coasts and the deep sea are studied as is the influence of physical, geological and chemical processes and changing climate on marine life.

This program of study leads to the following credential:
  • Minor in Marine Biology

 Minor in Marine Biology

Credential Overview

The Undergraduate Minor in Marine Biology is designed to give students a foundation in the study of life in saltwater environments. The minor integrates coursework in Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, Biology, and Oceanography. Students are encouraged to complete some requirements for the minor at the UW’s marine field station at Friday Harbor Labs. This minor can be completed by students pursuing any major.

Completion Requirements

35 credits

  1. Introductory Courses (19 credits): FISH 250/OCEAN 250/BIOL 250; OCEAN 210; BIOL 180; Q SCI 381.
  2. Integrative Experience (3 credits): See adviser for approved list of courses.
  3. Electives (13 credits): Selected from an approved list available from a program adviser. Additional courses may be approved by program adviser. (A minimum of one elective course must be taken from each of the following units: Aquatic and Fishery Sciences; Oceanography; and Biology or Friday Harbor Laboratories.)
  4. Up to 17 credits may overlap with credits applied to a student's major and up to 5 credits may overlap with credits applied to another minor.
  5. Minimum 15 credits in upper-division courses.
  6. Minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA in courses presented for the minor.