UW Research

The Cell Analysis Facility (CAF)



The Cell Analysis Facility (CAF) is a self-sustaining instrumentation lab that houses a wide variety of flow cytomerty equipment and provides training and technical service on a recharge basis to the University and research community-at-large. The facility is committed to offering well maintained instrumentation as well as providing educational support and training for researcher to ensure high-quality reproducible data and results.

Type: Facility/Service/Equipment


BD Aria II cell soters(3), BD LSR II cytometer, BD Symphony A3, BD FACSCanto II cytometer, CantoRUO, Cytek Aurora spectral cytometer, Amnis ImageStreamX imaging cytometer Service: Assited cell sorting and analysis, instrument training, panel design consultation, data analysis assistance, analysis workstations with FlowJo

Keywords: General

Flow Cytometry, FACS, cell sorting

Keywords: Specific

FACS, Cell Sorter, LSRII, Aria, Canto, Symphony, Aurora