UW Research

Submit Study

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If any required questions have not been answered on the SmartForm, Zipline will not allow you to submit the application. You can easily check for errors before submitting.

The Submit activity must be completed once the application is ready to go to HSD. This activity:

  • Must be completed by the PI or the PI Proxy
  • Changes the application state from Pre-Submission to Pre-Review
  • Sends the item to HSD for review
  • Removes the study team’s ability to make edits while the study is in review unless HSD requests more information or a change to the study

Basic Steps

1. Click Submit in the study workspace

Screenshot of the submit button

2. Click OK to provide required verifications



The study transitions to Pre-Review state and is now in HSD’s queue for review.

Screenshot of the review diagram with Pre-Review highlighted

UW Review

Once HSD has reviewed the application, the PI, any PI proxies, and primary contact will receive an email notification that:

External IRB Review

Once HSD has reviewed the request to use a non-UW IRB, the PI, any PI proxies, and primary contact will receive an email notification that:

Once reliance has been confirmed, the study will move to Pending sIRB state until HSD records the reviewing IRB’s approval. Provide the approval letter to hsdrely@uw.edu once the study is approved.

Screenshot of the review diagram with Pending sIRB review highlighted