UW Research

Check For Errors

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Checking the application for errors and omissions helps you to include all the relevant information, which is essential for receiving a timely review of your study.

There are three types of error checking:

  1. Automatic system error checking identifies any omitted answers to questions that are required for every application. A red asterisk (*) indicates required questions. When you click Continue at the bottom of the webpage, the automatic system error checking will be activated and will inform you of required questions you missed.
  2. Visually inspecting the forms to see what you may have missed, especially:
  3. Using the Validate button to find and correct errors before submitting the study. The system automatically checks for errors when the PI or PI Proxy attempts to submit the study. However, this option can be used by someone filling out the forms on behalf of the PI to check the study for errors before the PI attempts to submit it. Follow the steps below.

Basic Steps to Validate

1. Click Edit Study in the study workspace

Edit Study Button under next steps

2. Click Validate in the left-hand navigation menu

screenshot of the validate button in the lefthand navigation menu

  • Pages with all required questions answered will have a green check mark
  • Pages with missing required questions will have a red circle and list the missing fields. Click the links to go to the page with the missing required question

screenshot of a link to an unanswered question

3. Click Refresh to update the list after answering a required question and saving your response

Check for errors refresh button

Next Step (Students and Residents)

Next Step