- UW Research - https://www.washington.edu/research -

After Initial Approval

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Table of Contents

UW Reviewed Studies

After HSD has made a final determination about the study, the Principal Investigator, any PI proxies, and the primary contact all receive an email notification communicating the outcome.

screenshot of the approval notification

A formal letter documenting the determination and providing additional information is attached to the notification and is also available in the study workspace in Zipline.



Depending on your study, here are some additional actions you may need to take later:

External IRB Studies

Once reliance has been confirmed, the Principal Investigator, any PI proxies, and the primary contact all receive a notification. The Reliance Confirmation Letter is attached to the notification and available in the study history.

screenshot of the reliance confirmed notification

screenshot of the reliance letter in the study history

The study will remain in Pending sIRB Review state until HSD records the reviewing IRB’s approval.

screenshot of Pending sIRB Review state