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Study Team Modifications

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Zipline applications split study team information into 2 parts that are treated differently by the system.

Study Roles

When listing study team qualifications in the IRB protocol, HSD strongly encourages researchers to describe the general study role rather than list a specific individual. This information is reviewed by the IRB, and if it needs to be changed to add or remove a new study role, you must submit a modification to “other parts of the study.”

See Modifications to UW Reviewed Studies [2] for detailed steps.

Access to the Zipline Application

The list of specific individuals who need edit to the Zipline application should be added to the Local Study Team Member SmartForm page in Zipline. Adding or removing individuals from this list is considered an administrative change and is initiated using a modification to “study team member information.” This list is only used to manage access to the application, so you do not need to list team members who do not need to access the Zipline application.

See Update Study Team [3]  for detailed steps.

Study Team Modifications Video

Watch this short video for a brief demonstration of study team modifications in Zipline.