Office of Planning & Budgeting

FY19 Annual Review Materials

On November 14, 2017, Provost Baldasty sent his FY19 Annual Review letter to all UW units and campuses to kick off a nine-month dialogue with faculty, staff, and students about institutional needs, resource constraints, and priorities. The letter outlines the Provost’s key questions for the FY19 Annual Review, the challenges facing the University, relevant deadlines, and a variety of resources. Please note that annual reviews are meant to be a holistic look at unit finances and operations, which will help inform the development of the University’s FY19 operating budget.

Following the letter, OPB sent customized templates to each unit to complete. As examples, here are generic versions of the materials that were sent to each unit:

Units are asked to complete these budget materials and submit them to OPB by Thursday, February 1, 2018. Please email all materials to Jason Campbell.

FY19 Annual Review Resources

FY19 Annual Review Materials FAQ: OPB received many excellent questions during the two Q&A sessions we held during the last week of November (details below). To document our responses to some of the more frequently asked questions, OPB has compiled this FAQ.

Central Budget Policies & Assumptions: This document provides central budget policies and assumptions, which can be used when completing the fiscal reports for the FY19 Annual Review process. Please note that these central assumptions are generic and, in many cases, imperfect. Please feel free to use modified assumptions in your fiscal projections to more accurately represent what you expect for your unit. Please clearly identify and briefly explain any assumptions used in your calculations that are different from these central budget assumptions.

Fiscal Vitality References & Tools workbook: Please contact Jason Campbell for a copy of this workbook, which includes:

  • Row-by-row general and unit-specific parameters used to compile fiscal data that was provided to units;
  • A list of budget types, classes, super classes, families, and communities; and
  • Budget number detail supporting the fiscal data that was provided to units.

Fiscal Vitality FY18 Addendum workbook: Please contact Jason Campbell for a copy of this workbook, which includes permanent and temporary budgeted values through October 2017, with details down to the seven digit org code level.

Carryover Usage Plan Examples: Below are fictional examples for illustrative purposes:

Additional Resources and Forums: Every year presents new conditions and opportunities that influence requests for information. As such, there are several new items present in this budget package that may require additional assistance. We wish to provide resources to support all units in completing this work in the timeframe allotted. Thus, the following resources are available to you:

  1. OPB held two open Q&A sessions to discuss and answer questions about the annual review process and templates (note that no formal presentation was delivered). These sessions were open to anyone, and were held at the following dates and locations:
    • Tuesday, November 28, from 9:00am to 10:00am in the UW Tower Visitors Dining Room on the Mezzanine Level
    • Thursday, November 30, from 9:00am to 10:00am in Gerberding Hall, Room 142
  2. Sarah Norris Hall and Becka Johnson Poppe are available to address questions or concerns outside of these Q&A sessions.
  3. In addition, historical responses to similar questions from previous years are available by fiscal year and by unit on OPB’s Annual Budgets website.