June 27, 2002
Etc: Campus News and Notes
MAGAZINE GOLD: A conservation biology journal for which UW zoology professor Dee Boersma is executive editor has won a major national award. The Society for National Association Publications gave a gold award for general excellence to Conservation In Practice, the official publication of the Society for Conservation Biology. The award is for magazines with annual budgets between $300,001 and
$2 million. The quarterly magazine began publication in 2000, when Boersma was president of the Society for Conservation Biology. The four-person production office is housed in the UW Zoology Department. Kathy Kohm is the editor. For subscription information, visit www.cbinpractice.org or call 206-616-2958 for a sample copy.
LASTING TRIBUTE: Naomi Pascal retires at the end of this month after an incredible 49 years at the UW Press, but her name won’t be forgotten soon. As a tribute to her dedication to her profession the Press Editor’s Endowment, which provides a fund for the editor-in-chief to use at his or her discretion in support of the Press’s publishing program, has been renamed the Naomi B. Pascal Editor’s Endowment. The initial title to assume this name change is the recently published White Grizzly Bear’s Legacy: Learning to be Indian, by Lawney Reyes. And happily, Pascal will remain involved in editorial work with the Press as she will become editor-at-large, actively pursuing and developing projects in areas she has championed, including Northwest Coast art and culture, Asian American studies and Jewish studies.
HONORED IN HONORS: Clarke Speed, a lecturer for American Indian Studies and a frequent instructor for the University Honors Program, has been awarded the first Honors Excellence in Teaching Award. The award is given by students to the best honors instructor for the academic year. As a prize, Speed received a $100 gift certificate to the University Book Store, a certificate signed by the director, and his name engraved on a plaque in the Honors Office.
HONORED AT APL: The Applied Physics Lab has given out its annual Director’s Awards and Innovative Technology Awards. Leo McGinnis, Mike Bailey and Dian Gay received the Director’s Awards, while Innovative Technology Awards were given to DJ Tang, Tom Matula, Mike Bailey, Paul Hilmo, Shahram Vaezy, Misty Noble, Larry Crum, Roy Martin, Andy Proctor, Maria Paun and Pierre Mourad.
KUDOS: Botany Professor Richard Olmstead has been named one of the top 15 researchers worldwide in the field of plant and animal science. The honor, given by ISI, is based on total citations to papers indexed from 1991 through November 2001 . . . Tom Griffin, editor of Columns, the alumni magazine, was designated a “Faculty Star” for earning 4.8 rating (on a 5-point scale) from participants in his CASE Editor’s Forum on editorial guidelines. The honor comes from the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education.
Do you know someone who deserves kudos for an outstanding achievement, award, appointment or book publication? If so, send that person’s name, title and achievement to uweek@u.washington.edu.