WEBVTT 00:00:01.000 --> 00:00:21.000 Rectangles move across the screen. Various scenes fly past, including a student at a computer, a young woman building a paper airplane, a dark haired student tosses his paper airplane and it lands on a desk. Someone reads a Braille document and a man signs. The screen reads "Equal Access: Universal Design of Instruction." With our host... 00:00:23.000 --> 00:00:26.000 A chalk stick figure is near an algebraic formula. 00:00:26.000 --> 00:00:36.000 The stick figure is near a computer. 00:00:39.000 --> 00:00:44.000 The stick figure Sheryl is in front of a class. Three students' smiles turn to frowns. 00:00:44.000 --> 00:00:50.026 The screen reads "Do-IT". Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, Technology. 00:00:51.000 --> 00:01:01.000 Back with Sheryl. 00:01:03.000 --> 00:01:13.000 On the computer chalkboard, happy faces dot the screen. In a lab... 00:01:55.000 --> 00:02:05.000 Outside 00:02:48.000 --> 00:02:58.000 The goal is to maximize the learning for everyone. 00:03:48.000 --> 00:03:58.000 A teacher releases a ball. 00:04:29.176 --> 00:04:30.000 Class Climate 00:04:30.000 --> 00:04:35.000 In a classroom. 00:04:35.000 --> 00:04:41.000 In an inset, students work at lap top computers. 00:04:41.000 --> 00:04:51.000 In a classroom. 00:05:09.000 --> 00:05:17.000 A girl types at a computer. 00:05:17.000 --> 00:05:27.000 A student peers into a telescope. 00:05:30.000 --> 00:05:33.000 As a professor speaks to a class, a man interprets using sign language. 00:06:03.000 --> 00:06:13.000 A man speaks in front of a dry erase board. 00:06:35.000 --> 00:06:45.000 A student watches a video. 00:07:55.000 --> 00:08:05.000 A dark-haired girl is wearing safety goggles in a lab. 00:08:40.000 --> 00:08:50.000 A teacher works with a student in a classroom. 00:08:50.000 --> 00:09:00.000 A teacher and a student wear safety goggles in a lab. 00:09:08.000 --> 00:09:15.000 A student is sitting at a table. 00:09:15.000 --> 00:09:25.000 In a classroom. 00:10:42.000 --> 00:10:52.000 The screen reads "Tutoring and Learning Centers". A female student sets down a stack of books near a lamp. 00:11:32.000 --> 00:11:42.000 On the chalk board, happy faces pop onto the screen. 00:11:48.000 --> 00:11:58.000 Back with our host: