WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:05.500 [ Music ] 00:00:14.500 --> 00:00:17.620 On campus, computers are a fact of life. 00:00:17.630 --> 00:00:21.250 Good education today requires access to technology. 00:00:23.200 --> 00:00:27.070 In planning a computer lab, universal design is crucial. 00:00:27.070 --> 00:00:30.820 That means thinking about every potential visitor's abilities 00:00:30.820 --> 00:00:31.910 and disabilities. 00:00:31.910 --> 00:00:35.360 It's important to think about universal design early 00:00:35.370 --> 00:00:37.800 in the design process if that's possible. 00:00:37.800 --> 00:00:39.660 The Americans with Disabilities Act 00:00:39.660 --> 00:00:43.520 makes it clear that equitable access is a requirement. 00:00:43.520 --> 00:00:47.460 Visitors to your lab may have obvious disabilities 00:00:47.460 --> 00:00:49.680 such as blindness, hearing impairments, 00:00:49.680 --> 00:00:51.540 or mobility impairments. 00:00:51.540 --> 00:00:54.190 Or they might have disabilities that are not apparent, 00:00:54.190 --> 00:00:56.519 such as low vision, or learning disabilities. 00:00:56.519 --> 00:00:59.060 As we look at all of the things we're going to need 00:00:59.060 --> 00:01:01.518 for a lab, we need to everybody that's going to be using it, 00:01:01.518 --> 00:01:05.138 or everybody that's potentially going to be using it. 00:01:05.300 --> 00:01:07.820 By planning ahead, you can make sure everyone 00:01:07.820 --> 00:01:10.750 has a positive experience in your lab. 00:01:10.750 --> 00:01:12.530 The first step is getting there. 00:01:15.070 --> 00:01:19.100 If they can't find the lab, they can't use the lab. 00:01:19.100 --> 00:01:21.820 Eliminate those external barriers. 00:01:21.820 --> 00:01:23.820 Consider these examples: 00:01:23.820 --> 00:01:26.980 Parking areas with spaces for wheelchair users; 00:01:28.020 --> 00:01:30.940 Clear paths to the building, with ramps if necessary; 00:01:32.240 --> 00:01:37.860 Building entrances at least 32 inches wide, with thresholds no higher than 1/2 inch; 00:01:39.100 --> 00:01:41.960 Ramps or elevators inside; 00:01:41.960 --> 00:01:46.760 Elevator controls marked in Braille and accessible from a sitting position; 00:01:47.960 --> 00:01:52.420 Clear entrances and hallways, with protruding obstacles removed; 00:01:53.020 --> 00:01:58.100 Wheelchair-accessible restrooms near the lab, with high-visibility signs. 00:01:59.120 --> 00:02:00.680 Now for the lab itself. 00:02:00.690 --> 00:02:03.340 Look at the physical details for users. 00:02:03.340 --> 00:02:05.650 Remember that people with various abilities 00:02:05.650 --> 00:02:06.970 will be using the room. 00:02:06.970 --> 00:02:08.970 For example: 00:02:08.970 --> 00:02:13.210 Large print, high-contrast signs for those with visual impairments 00:02:14.080 --> 00:02:16.860 Braille labels on computers for blind users 00:02:17.800 --> 00:02:20.300 Wide, clear aisles for wheelchair users 00:02:21.040 --> 00:02:25.480 We really try to focus 00:02:25.620 --> 00:02:27.120 on making wide and open pathways from our access points, 00:02:27.120 --> 00:02:31.380 particularly for students that have physical disabilities. 00:02:32.700 --> 00:02:35.280 Hi, may I help you? 00:02:35.500 --> 00:02:42.200 Do you have any computers on adjustable tables? 00:02:42.200 --> 00:02:43.640 Yes, we do. 00:02:43.680 --> 00:02:45.740 We try to make sure there is a lot of clearance 00:02:45.740 --> 00:02:49.940 on desk heights so that students can get underneath things 00:02:49.950 --> 00:02:54.310 and that there's generally kind of a large workspace. 00:02:57.260 --> 00:03:01.700 Some adjustable tables, with wheelchair-accessible adjustment controls; 00:03:02.320 --> 00:03:05.160 Document holders for ease in reading printed material; 00:03:06.280 --> 00:03:10.660 Controls on computers, printers, scanners, and other technology 00:03:10.660 --> 00:03:12.920 that can be reached from a seated position. 00:03:13.420 --> 00:03:14.620 Another thing to consider 00:03:14.630 --> 00:03:18.360 is the accessibility of your lab handouts or documents. 00:03:18.360 --> 00:03:20.470 Be prepared to provide lab documents 00:03:20.470 --> 00:03:22.340 in large print and Braille. 00:03:22.340 --> 00:03:25.600 Put them in an accessible format on your website. 00:03:25.600 --> 00:03:27.980 Internet access will make those documents 00:03:27.980 --> 00:03:32.140 available to all lab users, including students who are blind 00:03:32.140 --> 00:03:34.780 and using speech output systems to read the text. 00:03:35.440 --> 00:03:39.780 Put it under the screen, and you can change the size 00:03:39.780 --> 00:03:41.660 with the center knob. 00:03:42.060 --> 00:03:44.100 If you provide a magnifying system, 00:03:44.100 --> 00:03:47.730 a visitor with low vision can read your printed material. 00:03:47.730 --> 00:03:51.620 A large magnifying glass is a lower-cost option. 00:03:51.620 --> 00:03:55.680 Design the documents themselves in a clear and consistent format. 00:03:55.680 --> 00:03:57.610 This is especially helpful to people 00:03:57.610 --> 00:03:59.840 with learning disabilities. 00:03:59.840 --> 00:04:03.020 Finally, be sure that printed materials are within easy reach 00:04:03.020 --> 00:04:04.650 from a variety of heights. 00:04:04.650 --> 00:04:07.530 And that furniture doesn't block access. 00:04:09.770 --> 00:04:12.730 Once everything is in place, think about people 00:04:12.730 --> 00:04:14.590 actually using the computers. 00:04:14.590 --> 00:04:17.700 Another place to begin is C&C's computer training. 00:04:17.700 --> 00:04:20.130 Plan on having adaptive technology available, 00:04:20.130 --> 00:04:24.170 but don't worry about trying to anticipate every possible request. 00:04:24.660 --> 00:04:26.180 People mostly are interested in 00:04:26.180 --> 00:04:28.720 the adjustable table, on our special keyboards, 00:04:28.720 --> 00:04:30.290 and on Braille production. 00:04:30.290 --> 00:04:32.630 The main thing is to have the basics 00:04:32.630 --> 00:04:34.840 that most people are going to need. 00:04:34.840 --> 00:04:37.510 You don't have to have every little thing that's out there. 00:04:37.510 --> 00:04:39.187 Can you find the message area? 00:04:39.187 --> 00:04:40.520 Yeah, it's right here. 00:04:40.520 --> 00:04:43.750 It's important for staff to know about the basics 00:04:43.750 --> 00:04:47.560 and to be able to talk to the clients about what those basics are, 00:04:47.560 --> 00:04:52.320 and if a student is in need of a more involved accommodation, 00:04:52.320 --> 00:04:53.960 then those staff need to know where to go 00:04:53.970 --> 00:04:56.450 to make those additional arrangements. 00:04:56.450 --> 00:04:59.920 Keep it simple at first, adding new technology as requested. 00:04:59.920 --> 00:05:01.810 For people with visual impairments, 00:05:01.810 --> 00:05:03.200 you might want to start with: 00:05:04.160 --> 00:05:06.160 Large print key labels; 00:05:06.160 --> 00:05:10.460 Software to enlarge screen images, and large monitors; 00:05:10.460 --> 00:05:12.760 Speech output systems; 00:05:13.380 --> 00:05:16.000 Braille conversion software and embosser. 00:05:16.220 --> 00:05:20.220 For people with mobility impairments, you could provide: 00:05:20.220 --> 00:05:22.220 A trackball; 00:05:22.760 --> 00:05:24.760 Wrist and forearm rests; 00:05:25.020 --> 00:05:27.020 An adjustable table. 00:05:28.060 --> 00:05:29.180 For all users, 00:05:29.190 --> 00:05:31.530 but especially those with learning disabilities, 00:05:31.530 --> 00:05:34.230 grammar and spell checkers should be available. 00:05:34.230 --> 00:05:36.790 And finally, be sure that Web pages 00:05:36.790 --> 00:05:39.430 and other electronic resources offered in your lab 00:05:39.430 --> 00:05:41.280 are designed to be accessible to people 00:05:41.280 --> 00:05:43.260 with a variety of disabilities. 00:05:43.260 --> 00:05:47.330 For example, provide text alternatives to graphic images. 00:05:47.330 --> 00:05:49.290 Almost every unit on campus 00:05:49.290 --> 00:05:52.690 now has a website to document their services 00:05:52.690 --> 00:05:54.714 and provide electronic resources. 00:05:54.714 --> 00:05:57.380 And most of these people who are developing these websites don't 00:05:57.380 --> 00:05:59.860 have the expertise on how to make them accessible. 00:05:59.860 --> 00:06:03.210 And so in most cases it's useful for that person to work with 00:06:03.210 --> 00:06:06.350 the central computing organization staff to develop 00:06:06.350 --> 00:06:08.640 strategies for making an accessible website. 00:06:08.640 --> 00:06:13.120 The key to all of this is simply equal access. 00:06:13.120 --> 00:06:15.140 Everyone who needs to use your lab 00:06:15.140 --> 00:06:17.480 should be able to do so comfortably. 00:06:17.480 --> 00:06:20.390 As you plan services in your computing facility, 00:06:20.390 --> 00:06:22.520 consider all of your potential users, 00:06:22.520 --> 00:06:24.600 including those with disabilities. 00:06:24.600 --> 00:06:26.910 Make sure everyone feels welcome. 00:06:26.910 --> 00:06:29.090 Ask yourself if visitors can: 00:06:29.090 --> 00:06:31.090 get to the facility; 00:06:31.090 --> 00:06:33.930 access lab information and other printed materials; 00:06:34.200 --> 00:06:36.200 and access equipment and software. 00:06:40.190 --> 00:06:44.220 Make sure also that staff are trained to support people with disabilities. 00:06:44.220 --> 00:06:47.460 And have a plan in place to respond to specific requests 00:06:47.460 --> 00:06:48.840 in a timely manner. 00:06:48.840 --> 00:06:52.290 With those key issues in mind, you'll be able to make your lab 00:06:52.290 --> 00:06:54.160 accessible to everyone. 00:06:54.160 --> 00:06:55.440 To get started: 00:06:55.440 --> 00:06:59.720 Develop policies and procedures that assure access to lab facilities, 00:06:59.720 --> 00:07:03.900 computers, and electronic resources for people with disabilities. 00:07:04.440 --> 00:07:07.560 Consider accessibility in the procurement process. 00:07:08.360 --> 00:07:11.660 Include students with disabilities in planning and evaluating 00:07:11.660 --> 00:07:13.660 lab products and services. 00:07:14.940 --> 00:07:18.900 In key lab documents, include pictures that show lab users with 00:07:18.900 --> 00:07:23.860 diverse characteristics with respect to race, gender, age, and disability. 00:07:25.060 --> 00:07:29.420 Also in lab documents, state your commitment to universal access 00:07:29.420 --> 00:07:33.980 and include procedures for requesting disability-related accommodations. 00:07:33.980 --> 00:07:37.160 Make signs with high contrast and large print. 00:07:38.340 --> 00:07:42.700 Make all information resources available in accessible formats. 00:07:43.480 --> 00:07:46.920 Have frequently-requested assistive technology on hand, 00:07:46.920 --> 00:07:50.420 and add products when students with disabilities request them. 00:07:51.300 --> 00:07:53.920 Train staff on accessible products in the lab, 00:07:53.920 --> 00:07:55.580 appropriate communication, 00:07:55.580 --> 00:07:58.680 and procedures for addressing requests for accommodations. 00:07:59.360 --> 00:08:00.540 To help you in your plans, 00:08:00.560 --> 00:08:03.010 there are many resources for locating and selecting 00:08:03.010 --> 00:08:06.800 assistive technology, for designing accessible Web pages, 00:08:06.800 --> 00:08:09.960 and for dealing with other lab accessibility issues.