'98 National Ambassadors

Group photo of 1998 National DO-IT Scholars

The following Ambassadors began participating in DO-IT in 1998. They continue to pursue college and career goals and encourage younger Scholars and Ambassadors.

Blair, '98 Scholar

Brain injury
After on a two-year mission for his church, will return to a public university for a degree in physics.

Emily, '98 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Attends community college.

Kimberlee, '98 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Works part-time, with interests in biology, education, science, math, and animals.

Amy, '98 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Graduated from secretarial school through Courage Center. Writing a novel in spare time.

Maggie, '98 Scholar

Learning disability
Studying chemical engineering.

Brian, '98 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Attends a state university, studying in technical and business fields.

Landon, '98 Scholar

Mobility impairment
Attends community college, majoring in accounting.

Jessica, '98 Scholar

Attends community college.

Nick, '98 Scholar

Visual impairment
Attended the a School for the Blind and a private with majors in economics and computer applications.

David, '98 Scholar

Congenital Stationary Night Blindness and some Motor Deficiencies
Graduated from college with a Bachelor's Degree.

Jeffrey, '98 Scholar

Ataxia Telangiectasia
Graduated from community college and from a university with a Bachelor's Degree in Biology and Geology.

Buddy, '98 Scholar

Attending a state university with strong interests in computers and science.

Wesley, '98 Scholar

Attends a state university, majoring in Management and Information Systems, minoring in Computer Science.

John Paul, '98 Scholar

Attends a state university, majoring in psychology. Would like to be a neuropsychologist.

Jessie, '98 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy
Studied abroad in Dublin and Paris; graduated from a state university with a B.S. degree in Political Science (Magna Cum Laude) and is now a second-year law student.

Ivan, '98 Scholar

Cerebral Palsy, a learning disability
A senior as part of the Nitze Scholars Program with interests in biology, chemistry, and physics.

Ronald "Hank", '98 Scholar

Graduated from high school. Hopes to attend computer or radio broadcasting college.

Dustin, '98 Scholar

Lives with his wife and works as a high school Physical Education teacher and head volleyball coach. Also Head Coach of one Junior Olympic Volleyball Team. Graduated in May of 2004 with a degree in Physical Education.

Isaiah, '98 Scholar

Spinocerebellar Degeneration
A senior at a university, majoring in teaching.