
When asked what was best about the CBI, participant responses were:

  • The resources. Everything was so clearly laid out and explained. Tons of resources so I can go out and share my knowledge
  • Multiple ideas for improving existing experiments that would benefit all students
  • Learning about all the different abilities and resources to aid people with the different abilities
  • The thing I liked best about this CBI was the opportunity to break into small groups and discuss ways that we, as teachers, could help make things more accessible for our students. I also loved the fact that the session was specific to science
  • Learning about what resources are available
  • It was easy to learn a lot, even though we were tired. Different activities, lots of information and ideas to take back to school
  • The wonderful handouts. Also the PowerPoint handouts, so that we didn't have to take any notes. The hands-on group activities thinking specifically in terms of different groups (ADD vs. mobility vs. sensory issues) helped put me in the right frame of mind
  • I think it was great!
  • Students with disabilities empowered to train the adults in their educational environment, and the videos showing these students. Also, the activities Thinking with other teachers about the accessibility of the tasks
  • I felt both Sheryl and Val were very prepared and thoroughly knowledgeable about this topic. I have not thought very much about what accommodations must be made for students in the science lab. Most of my concerns have been about classroom adaptations
  • Learn useful information and practices (some which were new) to best facilitate the learning experiences of students with disabilities in the classroom
  • The group activities, videos, and doing a science lab while considering the different types of disabilities