Corporate & Foundation Relations

Viewing organization data

Use the following University of Washington databases to view gifts, grants and contracts:


The Advance database contains gift and grant data.

How do I view grants in Advance?

To see all grant funding actions processed since July 1, 2010 (the beginning of our current campaign), click on “Giving,” then “Views” on the entity record in Advance.

To see limited information about grant funding actions processed before July 1, 2010, look at the UW Org Giving Profile by clicking on “Giving,” then “UW Org Giving Profile” on the entity record.

What is a grant funding action?

Unlike gifts, which are entered into Advance when a cash payment has been received, grants are entered into Advance based on a grant funding action issued by the Office of Sponsored Programs and processed by Grant and Contract Accounting. In most cases, the funding action represents the total amount of the grant award per the grant agreement, even if there are multiple-year scheduled payments yet to be received. A funding action may be in Advance even when no cash payments have been received. No adjustments are made to Advance to reflect any subsequent return of funds to the sponsor.

What data are available in Advance for grant funding actions processed after July 1, 2010?

The allocation code for a grant is made up of the grant budget number and the numeric portion of the eGC1 number assigned by the Office of Sponsored Programs. If you click on the allocation code for a transaction, you can also see additional details about the grant award, including budget number, eGC1 number, sponsor’s award ID number, the long and short title of the award, principal investigator name and the indirect cost rate paid by the sponsor.

Why don’t I see a particular sponsored program in Advance?

  • The award was classified as a contract. Only funding actions for awards classified as grants are entered into Advance. To view contracts, use Enterprise Data Warehouse.
  • There is often a lag between when the funder notifies us of an award and when the funding action is processed. This is especially true when the eGC1 is completed post-award.


To find grant information in ReportWriter.NET, use:

  • Grant Transaction List (in Web Reports)–shows grant funding actions from July 2006 to the present by funder or principal investigator.
  • UW Org Giving Profile (in Web Reports)–shows gifts and grant funding action amounts but no award details.


To find grant information in Reportal, use:

  • Grant Transaction List–shows grant funding actions from July 2006 to the present by funder or principal investigator.
  • UW Org Giving–shows gifts and grant funding action amounts but no award details.
  • Campaign Giving by Organizations–shows gifts and grant funding actions from 7/1/2010 forward.


SPAERC (Sponsored Projects Administration and Electronic Research Compliance) is the online tool the Office of Sponsored Programs uses to review and approve proposals for submission and awards for acceptance. You can view an entire eGC1 submitted by a unit, as well as the final approved proposal and any supporting attachments. For awards, the fully executed award agreement is available as well as the details of the funding action sent to Grant and Contract Accounting.

Advancement staff members who work with grants and contracts can get read-only access to SPAERC. Please contact Michelle Barnett if you need access to SPAERC.

Enterprise Data Warehouse

Enterprise Data Warehouse is a NetID-protected central repository of the UW’s electronically stored institutional data. It allows you to run reports to view stored grant and contract data using your selected report parameters. Reports are categorized by subject areas.

Two reports related to grants and contracts can be found under the “Research” subject area:

  • Research proposals — Grant and contract proposals based on eGC1s submitted to the Office of Sponsored Programs.
  • Research awards — Grant and contract award information based on the funding actions prepared by the Office of Sponsored Programs for Grant and Contract Accounting to set up budgets.

If you need access to Enterprise Data Warehouse, contact your unit’s administrator.


Anyone with a UW NetID can use GrantTracker, a Grant and Contract Accounting system used to view grant and contract invoicing, actual payments received, and budget requests and other attachments requested or prepared by the unit for specific awards.