UW Emergency Management

January 26, 2018

Happy Anniversary Cascadia Earthquake

cascadiaExactly 318 years ago today, the largest earthquake to ever hit the Pacific Northwest (in recorded history) happened and transformed the landscape forever.  On January 26, 1700, at about 9:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time a gigantic earthquake occurs 60 to 70 miles off the Pacific Northwest coast. The quake violently shakes the ground for three to five minutes and is felt along the coastal interior of the Pacific Northwest including all counties in present-day Western Washington. A tsunami forms, reaching about 33 feet high along the Washington coast, travels across the Pacific Ocean and hits the east coast of Japan. Japanese sources document this earthquake, which is the earliest documented historical event in Western Washington. Other evidence includes drowned groves of red cedars and Sitka spruces in the Pacific Northwest. Indian legends corroborate the cataclysmic occurrence. (source: Historylink.org and Greg Lang)