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 | Winter 2003 Time Schedule

Winter Quarter 2003 Time Schedule


Enrollment and status (open/closed) were accurate when this page was created (12:05 am March 28, 2003) but may have changed since then. For current enrollment and status, check the Enrollment Summary. (UW NetID required.)
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Enrl       Sect                                                                            Crs
Restr  SLN  ID Cred    Meeting Times     Bldg/Rm      Instructor  Status  Enrl/Lim Grades  Fee Other
 ?      ?       ?           ?             ?               ?         ?        ?       ?      ?    ?

Q SCI   291  ANLYS FOR BIOL 1(NW,QSR)Prerequisites
       7014 A  5       MTWThF 930-1020   FTR  034      BRIGGS,D    Open    52/ 60                   

Q SCI   292  ANLYS FOR BIOL 2(NW,QSR)Prerequisites
       7015 A  5       MTWThF 1030-1120  MEB  238      AMUNDSON,C  Open    29/ 85                   
       7016 B  5       MTWThF 1230-120   THO  125      JOHNSON,J   Open    49/ 70                   

Q SCI   381  INTRO PROBABIL&STAT (NW,QSR)Prerequisites
       7017 A  5       MTWThF 930-1020   JHN  006      AMUNDSON,C  Open    38/ 60                   
       7018 B  5       MTWThF 1030-1120  FSH  108      SCHREUDER,G Open    37/ 50                   
       7019 C  5       to be arranged    *    *        BARE,B      Open    24/ 50                D  
                       INTERNET-TAUGHT SECTION                                                                                                                        
                       SEE INSTRUCTOR COURSE DESCRIPTION                                                                                                              
                       FOR DETAILS                                                                                                                                    
                       INTERNET SECTION: CODE 30                                                                                                                      

Q SCI   480  SAMPLING THEORY(NW)Prerequisites
       7020 A  3       TTh    1130-1250  FSH  108      SKALSKI,J   Open    19/ 20                J  

Q SCI   482  STAT INFR APPL RSCH (NW)Prerequisites
       7021 AA 5       MTWF   930-1020   JHN  437      TURNBLOM,E  Open    25/ 35                   
                       Th     930-1120   MEB  103      

Q SCI   483  STAT INFR APPL RSCH (NW)Prerequisites
       7022 AA 5       MTThF  830-920    MGH  231      PEREZ-GARCI Open    45/ 48                   
                       W      830-1020   MGH  030      

 IS   >7023 A  1-5     to be arranged    *    *                             0/ 10E CR/NC