Managing Sponsor Information

Campus needs to use a sponsor that’s not listed. What steps need to be taken?

When a user searches for a sponsor to add to their eGC1, the following text always displays. It includes the steps the user should follow.

Not finding the sponsor you are looking for?

We recommend you try your search again using single words, abbreviations, or alternate spellings. A partial search term such as “American” or “Americ” will return all sponsors whose names contain that term. You can also search on common acronyms, such as “NIH.”

If you cannot find the sponsor you are looking for, please follow the Sponsor Request Instructions below:

Sponsor Request Instructions

    1. Select “Request Sponsor.”
    2. Navigate to the Sponsor Request form in a separate browser tab.
    3. Fill in the form, and then select “Submit.”
    4. Leave the Sponsor blank until the new sponsor is added in order to route your eGC1.

You will receive an email confirming the new sponsor is now available. Return to your eGC1, search again for that sponsor and select it.

The Request Sponsor button displays below the instructions.