Other: Assign/Confirm Budget Number

The Assign/Confirm Budget Number link appears on the left navigation menu.  Use it to either assign a new budget number to the item, or change the budget number listed.

Clicking the link opens a pop-up window. The read-only section provides information about the item you are working on.

sera other item assign confirm budget number

Field Description
Record ID Unique, system-assigned number
Form Type The type selected when you created the form
Budget Request Type(s) Lists the type or types selected
PI Name The Principal Investigator for this form
Responsible Department The Principal Investigator’s department
Budget Blank until assigned
Biennium Blank until a budget number is assigned

You can edit the following fields.

Field Description
Type of Budget Select the appropriate budget category from the drop-down menu
Budget Number When you select the Type of Budget, the system will automatically populate the Budget Number field with the next available budget number of that type.
Budget Biennium Once there is a Budget Number, the system will also populate the Biennium value.