Thursday, March 18, 1999
8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Walker-Ames Room
Kane Hall

The Present: The University of Washingtons Roles and Responses
Richard L. McCormick, UW President
Louis Fox, Vice Provost, Office of Educational Partnerships
Education Reform in Washington State
Terry Bergeson, State Superintendent of Public Instruction
Perspectives from the Field
Stephen Dinger, Executive Director, Washington Federation of Independent Schools
Roger Erskine, Executive Director, Seattle Education Association
Don Nielsen, Vice President, Seattle School Board
Joseph Olchefske, Superintendent, Seattle Public Schools
Leonora Schmit, Principal, Lister Elementary School, Tacoma School District
Kelly Starr, Teacher, Central-Emerson Intermediate Center, Snohomish School District
Tom Vander Ark, Superintendent, Federal Way School District
Technology and the Schools
Edward D. Lazowska, Professor and Chair, Computer Science and Engineering
The College of Education: Preparing Teachers and Education Leaders
Allen D. Glenn, Professor and Dean, College of Education
Nathalie Gehrke, Professor and Director, Teacher Education Program, College of Education
Kathy Kimball, Director of Administrator Preparation Programs, College of Education
Sheila Lowenbraun, Professor and Associate Dean of Professional Programs, College of Education
Students from the UWs Teacher Education and Danforth Principal Preparation Programs