UW News

October 12, 2011

Mystery Photo: How well do you know the campus?

Mary Levin

Where are we? The photo below was taken somewhere on campus.  You tell us where, and be specific.  The name of a building is not enough. You must tell us, for example, that it is the southwest side of the building, or the path in front the building, or whatever.

The names of all those with the correct answer will be entered in a drawing for a gift certificate donated by the University Book Store.  Send your entry by e-mail to uwtoday@uw.edu along with your name and department.  The deadline is 5 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 18.  Well give away one prize per quarter.



Mary Levin

Last issues answer: Our last Mystery Photo was of plants near the walkway from 15th Avenue NE to George Washington Lane, near the Henry Art Gallery. Here is a list of correct guessers:

Dale Lyman, facilities services.

Drew Britten, Disability Resources for Students

Thomas Berg, Campus Engineering

Alyson Boyd, Classroom Support Services

Matt Smith, Earth and Space Sciences

Chris Holmer, Facilities Services

Erin Bestrom, Ethnic Cultural Center

John Blattenbauer, APL

David Schruth, Oceanography

Lynda Jensen, College of Education

Roberta Aldrich, School of Social Work

Raymond Larson, Facilities Services