UW News

January 7, 2010

Say hello to new MFA art students at Lawrence gallery exhibit

The Jacob Lawrence Gallery at the UW starts the new decade with Introducing, a show featuring the work of the first-year MFA students from the UW Art Program.

These 10 artists have just completed their first quarter in graduate school, having brought skill sets and visions that were acquired from a diverse array of places, methods and media. Now after working with UW faculty and with each other, distinctive new twists and wrinkles are starting to make themselves seen–from subtle projections, to surreal sculpture, to sublime paintings.

Introducing features the work of Christopher McElroy, Nuala Ni Flathuin, Kimberly Clark, Leanne Grimes, Sean McElroy, Neal Fryett, Matthew Hilger, Joshua Sleicher-MacCracken as well as Solberg award winners Kate Clark and Gustavo Martinez. The exhibit will be up until Feb. 13.

The Jacob Lawrence Gallery is located in the north corner of the Art building on the first floor. Gallery hours are Wednesday through Saturday, noon–4 p.m. All events at the Gallery are free and open to the public. For more information call 206-685-1805.