UW News

April 8, 2004

Staff Employment Building renamed

The Staff Employment Building at 1320 NE Campus Parkway is being renamed the Staff Human Resources Center. The change was recommended by the administration and Capital Assets Committee and approved by the Board of Regents effective last month.

One reason for the name change was that there is no department in Human Resources called “Staff Employment” anymore. It is now called Recruitment and Candidate Services. But in addition to that, HR was looking for a more dynamic name.

“In thinking about our goals and vision for HR, a title that better reflected a center of activity around the HR function was important to our team,” said Patti Carson, vice president for human resources. Noting that HR departments are scattered in several buildings, she added, “This building connects our various HR teams and we really feel the new name will help us communicate to our customers that this is a center of activity.”

In addition to serving as the University’s main portal for job seekers (Recruiting and Candidate Services as well as Temporary Staff), the building houses Carson’s office, Labor Relations and HR Administration and Information Systems.

The Staff Employment Building name was assigned in 1982 when what was then the Staff Employment Division of the Personnel Services Department moved there. Since 2000, the building has housed a variety of Human Resources units, none of which is named Staff Employment. And many of the departments listed on the sign in front of the building are no longer located there.

HR is working with Facilities Services to get the sign replaced.