UW News

February 5, 2004

World’s largest book to be unveiled Feb. 13

Bhutan: A Visual Odyssey across the Last Himalayan Kingdom, will be presented at 7 p.m. Friday, Feb. 13 in 120 Kane.

The event celebrates the acquisition by University Libraries of the largest book in the world, which is full of photographs by UW Computer Science Professor David Salesin.  The book opens to 5 by 7 feet, weighs 133 pounds and requires two hands just to turn a page.

Salesin took the photos while on a trip to Bhutan with his friend, MIT Professor Michael Hawley, who will also be at the presentation.  A story about the trip, including a number of photos, appeared in the Aug. 21, 2003 edition of University Week.

Thanks to a donation by Microsoft, the book will be a part of UW Libraries’ Book Arts Collection.