UW News

October 10, 2002

‘Things Your Mother Never Taught You’ Patents and inventions

The second seminar in the series on “Things Your Mother Never Taught You,” sponsored by the School of Medicine’s Office of Industry Relations and the UW Office of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer, will cover patents.

The program, called “Turning Good Science into Patents and into Profits,” features Dr. Susan Wray, director of industry relations, and Catherine Innes, director of educational outreach in the technology transfer office. It is scheduled for 2 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 15, in room D-209 of the Health Sciences Center.

Among the topics will be how to know when you have a patentable idea, links and timing between publication and patents, the role of the Office of Technology Licensing, and what makes a patent valuable. For more on the series, see the Web site at http://adams.dom.washington.edu/oir/ca.htm