Answer to question 9

Trivia Quiz

The first student to earn a baccalaureate degree was eighteen-year-old Clara McCarty in 1876. Since few students in territorial Washington were interested in the study of Greek and Latin, Pres. Whitworth introduced a new collegiate course of "scientific" study. There was a feeling, which was reflected in the catalog in 1885, that this program was second-rate and suitable only for inferior minds. "The scientific course is recommended to all who have not the time or disposition to complete the classical course." The subjects in this scientific program were: Algebra, Geometry, History, Bookkeeping, Natural Philosophy, Trigonometry, Surveying, Analytical Geometry, Astronomy, Natural History, Logic, English Literature, Mental and Moral Philosophy, Chemistry, Geology, Civil Engineering, and Natural Theology. Substitutions could be Painting, Drawing, Latin, French or German. Time and popularity proved the success of this program of liberal and elective studies. (Farrar, p. 12-13)

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