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UW Insider and UW Insider Calendar Guidelines

UW Insider Guidelines

UW Insider is a weekly publication distributed to UW faculty and staff via email each Wednesday morning. Your submission must be sent to one week in advance for it to be included in the following week’s newsletter.

For submission guidelines for the UW Insider monthly calendar, click here.

Here is some information to guide you as you craft your submission:

Primary content includes headlines, short summaries and links to more information

Entries should include a headline, short summary and link to more information (as opposed to a complete, self-contained article). Send accompanying photos to

  • One top story per newsletter issue will contain a headline, image, short summary of 1-2 sentences and link to more information.
  • Three or four secondary stories each issue will contain a headline, image, short summary of 1-2 sentences and link to more information.
  • Articles in the “News and Resources” section will include a headline with a one-sentence summary and link to more information.
  • Headlines should be short, approximately 8-12 words.
  • Article summaries should be 25 words or less.
  • Each newsletter will include approximately 14 articles.

Your submission must be received by end of day Tuesday to be considered for the following week’s Wednesday newsletter.

Voice, style, editorial guidelines

Content should follow general UW brand and editorial guidelines. Newsletter headlines and summaries will link to source content on unit websites (i.e., UWHR, The Whole U, Finance & Administration, etc.). Content on these websites will retain existing voice and style.
Text should be friendly, approachable, energetic and sophisticated. It should include a call to action, and focus on the employee and the benefits, resources, events and information that will enhance their UW experience.

Be personal and direct. Use first person (“we,” “our,” “us”) and second person (“you,” “your”) when appropriate to maintain a conversational style. Use everyday language. Be concise. Use active rather than passive language.

How top stories are selected

To qualify as a top story, content must be:

  • Time-sensitive,
  • Broadly applicable/of broad impact,
  • Leadership-driven (i.e., messaging about UW strategic direction and priorities; key president/provost announcements, initiatives and events, etc.),
  • Related to TAP initiatives and/or
  • Tied to legal/safety/compliance obligations that are broadly applicable.

UW Insider Calendar Guidelines

How events are selected

To be included in our monthly events email, items must be:

  • Related to The Whole U, Human Resources, Information Technology, or Finance & Administration,
  • Leadership-driven (i.e., Annual President’s Address, Provost Town Hall, etc.),
  • Public lectures/events with audiences of 500 or more (i.e., Undergraduate Research Symposium, Burke Museum exhibits, Meany Hall performances, etc.),
  • Related to TAP initiatives, and/or,
  • Tied to legal/safety/compliance obligations that are broadly applicable.

Email calendar will go out 10 days before the featured calendared month begins. Calendar content should be shared by mid-month in advance of the event date.

Questions? Send an email to