WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:01.980 --> 00:00:06.480 [music] 00:00:06.620 --> 00:00:10.300 If you’re a camera, a 3D camera, 00:00:10.300 --> 00:00:11.480 and you’re looking at her, 00:00:11.480 --> 00:00:14.610 and she’s pointing in that direction, 00:00:14.610 --> 00:00:15.610 the question is 00:00:15.610 --> 00:00:17.530 what do you call X, 00:00:17.530 --> 00:00:18.710 what do you call Y, 00:00:18.710 --> 00:00:20.060 and what do you call Z? 00:00:20.060 --> 00:00:23.000 I would want to take 00:00:23.000 --> 00:00:27.939 all the knowledge that I've learned throughout this camp using Quorum 00:00:27.939 --> 00:00:32.079 and maybe develop my own game maybe later down the line. 00:00:32.079 --> 00:00:35.220 I really want to teach others. 00:00:35.220 --> 00:00:38.050 That’s sort of what I like to do 00:00:38.050 --> 00:00:41.150 and with Quorum I can do that much easier. 00:00:41.150 --> 00:00:43.940 [music] 00:00:47.960 --> 00:00:49.820 We’re now going to say "box." 00:00:49.829 --> 00:00:53.140 Technology jobs are in demand 00:00:53.140 --> 00:00:55.500 and an understanding of computing and coding 00:00:55.500 --> 00:01:00.200 are important for anyone pursuing these opportunities. 00:01:00.200 --> 00:01:04.040 But learning programming languages can be difficult for any new student 00:01:04.040 --> 00:01:06.560 including some students with disabilities. 00:01:06.560 --> 00:01:09.420 That’s why Quorum was created. 00:01:09.420 --> 00:01:12.680 My name is Andreas Stefik. 00:01:12.680 --> 00:01:14.900 I'm an assistant professor of computer science 00:01:14.900 --> 00:01:18.570 at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas. 00:01:18.570 --> 00:01:22.210 I invented the Quorum programming language at first 00:01:22.210 --> 00:01:23.210 then my wife and I 00:01:23.210 --> 00:01:25.710 actually created several versions of it together. 00:01:25.710 --> 00:01:28.409 It was originally designed to try to help 00:01:28.409 --> 00:01:32.610 blind or visually impaired students learn to program more easily. 00:01:32.610 --> 00:01:35.479 The reason is because at the time a lot of computer science 00:01:35.479 --> 00:01:39.200 was moving toward very visual content 00:01:39.200 --> 00:01:42.240 and that in general makes a lot of sense, 00:01:42.240 --> 00:01:44.120 however, not if you're blind. 00:01:44.120 --> 00:01:46.969 I'm Richard Ladner, 00:01:46.969 --> 00:01:49.780 professor in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington. 00:01:49.780 --> 00:01:52.970 So you really need similar code 00:01:52.970 --> 00:01:54.770 to what you have there already. 00:01:54.770 --> 00:01:59.299 Children who are blind, who can't see, 00:01:59.299 --> 00:02:01.850 can actually program in Quorum 00:02:01.850 --> 00:02:07.049 and make things that talk or have sound or have music 00:02:07.049 --> 00:02:08.950 so they're not always so visual. 00:02:08.950 --> 00:02:13.250 If you look at almost all the tools that are out there for children, 00:02:13.250 --> 00:02:14.690 they're all super visual 00:02:14.690 --> 00:02:18.379 and this one is visual and auditory 00:02:18.379 --> 00:02:20.560 so that makes it much better for everybody. 00:02:20.560 --> 00:02:24.680 I'm Lauren Milne and I'm a graduate student 00:02:24.680 --> 00:02:27.580 at the University of Washington in computer science. 00:02:27.580 --> 00:02:28.870 I work with Richard Ladner 00:02:28.870 --> 00:02:35.069 and I do a lot of research in programming languages, 00:02:35.069 --> 00:02:38.180 specifically for blind students. 00:02:38.180 --> 00:02:45.420 It has full support for screen readers and Braille displays 00:02:45.420 --> 00:02:46.970 and it has a lot of features. 00:02:46.970 --> 00:02:50.030 it's very easy to incorporate audio in programs 00:02:50.030 --> 00:02:52.239 and a lot of things you can play around with in audio 00:02:52.239 --> 00:02:54.860 so it means you can make really accessible, 00:02:54.860 --> 00:02:58.370 you can quickly and easily make accessible games 00:02:58.370 --> 00:03:01.490 or whatever you'd like using Quorum. 00:03:01.490 --> 00:03:05.440 Quorum’s features are universally designed, 00:03:05.440 --> 00:03:08.270 making it an easier language to learn in general. 00:03:08.270 --> 00:03:12.459 One of the reasons why Quorum is easier 00:03:12.459 --> 00:03:15.430 in some cases for people to learn and grasp 00:03:15.430 --> 00:03:17.799 is because the language is simpler 00:03:17.799 --> 00:03:20.440 which impacts people with learning disabilities. 00:03:20.440 --> 00:03:22.780 For example, if I was to tell the computer 00:03:22.780 --> 00:03:25.140 to do something over and over again 00:03:25.140 --> 00:03:27.250 in a language like Java I would say 00:03:27.250 --> 00:03:33.319 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { 00:03:33.319 --> 00:03:37.299 which "obviously" means that we should do something 10 times. 00:03:37.299 --> 00:03:38.640 In Quorum, I say 00:03:38.640 --> 00:03:40.099 repeat 10 times. 00:03:40.099 --> 00:03:43.349 I find personally reading Quorum programs 00:03:43.349 --> 00:03:47.290 a lot easier than reading C programs or Java programs. 00:03:47.290 --> 00:03:52.730 That I can understand them more easily and so I feel like there are some 00:03:52.730 --> 00:03:54.670 major advantages from the get-go. 00:03:54.670 --> 00:03:57.280 Just that simple elegance. 00:03:57.280 --> 00:04:02.900 Most languages after every single line you have to put a semicolon. 00:04:02.900 --> 00:04:06.769 Why you have to put a semicolon, it seems to be just tradition. 00:04:06.769 --> 00:04:11.430 It doesn't need to be there and Quorum has no semicolons. 00:04:11.430 --> 00:04:14.269 I hypothesize it could be really good 00:04:14.269 --> 00:04:17.340 for certain students with learning disabilities 00:04:17.340 --> 00:04:21.720 that Quorum doesn't use braces; it uses sort of indentations 00:04:21.720 --> 00:04:24.680 and it uses the word, keywords instead to indicate the end of loops. 00:04:24.680 --> 00:04:27.090 I want you to type the word "model" 00:04:27.090 --> 00:04:29.630 and then I want you to type the word "box." 00:04:29.630 --> 00:04:35.140 Now there’s a red underline here because we haven’t added... 00:04:35.140 --> 00:04:39.420 Over the years, Quorum has gained popularity. 00:04:39.420 --> 00:04:44.850 I'm Dominic and I'm really into computers 00:04:44.850 --> 00:04:47.300 and really enjoy using Quorum 00:04:47.300 --> 00:04:52.530 and have used other computer programs before like C++ and Java. 00:04:52.530 --> 00:04:56.430 One of the things that stands out to me in Quorum is the punctuation 00:04:56.430 --> 00:05:00.010 and it's really easy because you don't have to add in 00:05:00.010 --> 00:05:08.190 all the semicolons and all the annoying hash tags and "@" symbols and everything. 00:05:08.190 --> 00:05:12.290 You just use words basically which is way easier 00:05:12.290 --> 00:05:14.600 than using all those confusing symbols 00:05:14.600 --> 00:05:17.980 and I think that makes it easier for me to program in Quorum 00:05:17.980 --> 00:05:19.420 than other languages. 00:05:19.420 --> 00:05:22.030 Hi, I'm Alyssa. 00:05:22.030 --> 00:05:26.010 What makes Quorum easier is the way they wrote, 00:05:26.010 --> 00:05:29.320 the way they program for us to write the code. 00:05:29.320 --> 00:05:32.030 So we don't have to add semicolons 00:05:32.030 --> 00:05:35.350 and brackets and parentheses and all the stuff. 00:05:35.350 --> 00:05:36.470 They made it easier. 00:05:36.470 --> 00:05:40.350 You can just type in a word, "output" let’s say, for example, 00:05:40.350 --> 00:05:42.570 and then you could write in quotes 00:05:42.570 --> 00:05:44.630 whatever you want the computer to say 00:05:44.630 --> 00:05:49.220 and that's what makes it a lot more unique than 00:05:49.220 --> 00:05:51.470 other programming languages like Java. 00:05:51.470 --> 00:05:53.220 I’m Mary. 00:05:53.220 --> 00:05:57.930 You can do a lot more things in Quorum with less lines of code 00:05:57.930 --> 00:06:01.380 than in some other things I've used before. 00:06:01.380 --> 00:06:04.350 Quorum is evidence-based, 00:06:04.350 --> 00:06:06.600 using the results of scientific experiments 00:06:06.600 --> 00:06:10.050 to determine how to make the language easier to use. 00:06:10.050 --> 00:06:13.420 Quorum provides two primary benefits. 00:06:13.420 --> 00:06:15.230 One is everything is free 00:06:15.230 --> 00:06:17.940 and then number two: at the end of the day 00:06:17.940 --> 00:06:21.220 all of the materials that we use and that we give to people 00:06:21.220 --> 00:06:23.970 are vetted both by teachers and students 00:06:23.970 --> 00:06:27.580 and are vetted in experiments through the scientific method. 00:06:27.580 --> 00:06:30.360 The result is a programming language 00:06:30.360 --> 00:06:34.220 that is creating a more inviting environment for computing students. 00:06:34.220 --> 00:06:37.720 A lot of people - I've seen in intro classes that I've taught. 00:06:37.720 --> 00:06:43.240 They come in, you know, and they get really intimidated at first 00:06:43.240 --> 00:06:46.080 when they start programming and there's all sorts of bugs 00:06:46.080 --> 00:06:49.470 and it can be very frustrating. 00:06:49.470 --> 00:06:52.830 People drop out and very often the only people who stick around 00:06:52.830 --> 00:06:55.450 are people who have come in, who come into the college course 00:06:55.450 --> 00:06:57.950 with previous programming experience. 00:06:57.950 --> 00:07:00.420 Anything that lowers that initial entry 00:07:00.420 --> 00:07:05.000 is going to bring a lot more people, a lot more diversity, because of that.