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AccessSTEM has a wide collection of resources for creating and implementing accessible physical spaces, instruction, services, and technology in postsecondary education using universal design and effective accommodations. This page features current, trending, and relevant brochures, videos, books, and other products that aid in the mission of accessibility, particularly in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields.

A student signs to another student while they work on a computer together.

Equal Access: Universal Design of an Academic Department
A look at different ways universal design can make your academic department accessible to all students and faculty. Read the accompanying checklist for a concrete method for discerning what changes are needed to make your academic department welcoming and accessible to all students.

Accessible Science Equipment
Examples of products that help make science labs accessible to all students.

Captions: Improving Access to Postsecondary Education
Professors, students, and IT administrators share the benefits of using captions on videos in postsecondary courses.

Captioning Lecture Capture Videos: A Promising Teaching Practice
Students and educators show how captioning videos in a lecture capture application helps everyone accessing the information.

Communication Access Realtime Translation: CART Services for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing People
Educators tell how Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) provides access to auditory communication for individuals who are deaf.

Facilitating Accessibility Reviews of Informal Science Education Facilities and Programs
A resource to help you develop your own accessibility review of informal science education facilities and programs.

Universal Design in Education: From Principles to Practice
A comprehensive guide on creating fully accessible college and university programs. A unique value to university and college administrators, and to disability and diversity study faculty, researchers, practitioners, and activists. 

Universal Design in Higher Education: Promising Practices
An online book full of practices for implementing universal design, with opportunities for you to contribute to the collection.