E-Community Activity: Taking Action

Send this message to the e-community of protégés and mentors.

Subject: Taking action

A group of successful individuals with disabilities offered the following advice to teens with disabilities about taking action to reach their goals. Read the list and then send a message to our group with a statement you would add to the list.

  • Nothing worthwhile comes without risk. Without risk success cannot be achieved.
  • Resiliency is key to success in life. Things will not always go the way you plan, but you have to bounce back from whatever difficulties you encounter and get back on track.
  • Keep trying. Things don't always work out the first time around. Think of other options for achieving the same goal, or ask others (family members, friends, teachers, etc.) for ideas on how you can achieve your goal. Stretch yourself. Do things you never thought possible.
  • Work at your own pace, keep positive, and you can do anything you set your mind to.
  • Do not pity yourself for what cards you have been dealt. It happened....now move on.
  • That moment of insecurity is worth the achievement in the end. It is important to keep that in mind throughout life.
  • Keep on with life despite unfortunate responses from people. To let other people get you down and make you cease to be an active participant in your own life is to let them win. To live life passively is to deny one's full capability of existence. Parents and teachers can help, but this is something you have to find within.
  • Be creative and flexible.
  • It is important to develop networking skills. Almost anyone you meet can be a prospective resource. Learn how to make and capitalize on friendships and follow up. If you do use a person as a resource, call or send a letter to say thank you.
  • DO IT........DON'T QUIT.