E-Community Activity: Affirming Success

Send this message to the e-community of protégés and mentors.

Subject: Affirming success

Read each of the following statements and think about whether it applies to you now.

  • Life is good.
  • I don't let others inhibit my dreams.
  • I'm an expert on my disability and/or learning challenges, how they impact my life, and what accommodations work for me.
  • My disability is only one aspect of who I am.
  • My disability does not dictate my goals.
  • I have control over the most important aspects of my life.
  • I make independent decisions for myself.
  • Just because I fail at one thing does not mean I am a failure.
  • I use technology to maximize my success.
  • I know what I need and when to ask for help.
  • I value my friendships.
  • I see the humor in life experiences.

Give one example of what you can do to make one of these statements stronger in your life. Tell how a parent, a guardian, a teacher, or another person you know could help you make this statement stronger in your life and how you can obtain their assistance.